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Utilization of the water quality index method as a classification tool


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The study comprised modification of the Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment (CCME) Water Quality Index (CCMEWQI) to obtain a tool in classification of surface waters according to quality defined by the European Legislation-75/440/EEC. Three categories were proposed, and the category ranges of CCMEWQI have been modified depending on the objective chosen. The application of the CCMEWQI with modified categorization scheme was demonstrated to assess overall water quality by integrating observed water quality determinants in the Kucuk Menderes Basin, Turkey. In this scope, the samples analyzed for pH, total dissolved solids (TDS), chlorides (Cl), nitrate-nitrogen (NO_3-N), dissolved oxygen (DO), biochemical oxygen demand (BOD_5), sulfate (SO_4), and boron (B), variables taken monthly over 2 years from the five monitoring sites, were processed. Results revealed that the overall surface water mainly fell within the A2 water class. The CCMEWQI with modified categorization scheme is believed to assist water managers to integrate and interpret the picture of overall waterrnquality based on the European legislation concerning the quality required of surface water intended for the abstraction of drinking water in the Member States (75/440/EEC).
机译:该研究包括对加拿大环境部长理事会(CCME)水质指数(CCMEWQI)进行修改,以获得根据欧洲立法75/440 / EEC定义的​​质量对地表水进行分类的工具。提出了三个类别,并且根据所选目标修改了CCMEWQI的类别范围。通过整合观察到的土耳其库库克·门德斯盆地水质决定因素,证明了CCMEWQI与改进的分类方案的应用可以评估整体水质。在此范围内,样品分析了pH,总溶解固体(TDS),氯化物(Cl),硝酸盐氮(NO_3-N),溶解氧(DO),生化需氧量(BOD_5),硫酸盐(SO_4)和硼(B)是过去两个月从五个监测点每月采集的变量,已得到处理。结果表明,总体地表水主要属于A2水类。据信,经过修改的CCMEWQI分类方案可帮助水管理人员根据有关成员国抽取地表水所需的地表水水质的欧洲法规(75/440 / EEC)整合和解释总体水质情况。 )。



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