首页> 外文期刊>The Environmental Law Reporter >Use of Motive Evidence in Judicial Review of Rezonings

Use of Motive Evidence in Judicial Review of Rezonings


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In this Article, Michael Allen Dymersky and Jesse J. Richardson Jr. examine the widespread rule of judicial review that a court should not consider evidence of motive in reviewing legislative actions by local government. They evaluate the rule in the context of a rezoning case in Highland County, Virginia, in which a group of plaintiffs conclusively established that improper motive prompted one supervisor to vote in favor of rezoning the subject property. The Highland County Circuit Court invoked the rule against judicial review of motive evidence to foreclose any consideration of the admitted improper personal motives that had inspired that particular rezoning. The authors conclude that the rule against judicial review of motive evidence has outlived its usefulness in the context ofrezonings and urge a legislative intervention.
机译:在本文中,迈克尔·艾伦·戴默斯基(Michael Allen Dymersky)和小杰西·理查森(Jesse J. Richardson Jr.)研究了广泛的司法审查规则,即法院在审查地方政府的立法行动时不应考虑动机的证据。他们在弗吉尼亚州高地县的重新分区案中评估了该规则,在该案中,一群原告最终确定,动机不当促使一位主管投票赞成将主题财产重新分区。高地县巡回法院援引了禁止对动机证据进行司法审查的规则,以排除任何考虑到的激发个人动机的不当动机。作者得出的结论是,针对动机证据进行司法审查的规则在重新划分范围内已经失去作用,并敦促采取立法干预措施。



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