首页> 外文期刊>Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine >Environmental home inspection services in Western Europe

Environmental home inspection services in Western Europe


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This review deals with environmental home inspection services in Western Europe provided for patients at the request of attending physicians to improve patient management. Such requests are usually motivated by respiratory or general symptoms which occur or worsen at home. The visit includes a standardised questionnaire as well as environmental sampling such as mite-allergen measurement, mould identification and volatile organic compound (VOC) measurements. Besides, some non-respiratory indoor risks are also taken into account. Following the visit, a report is sent to the family and the attending physician. These services have been developed since the early 1990s, but evaluation of their efficacy is still limited. Some studies have demonstrated a reduction in mite-allergen levels and clinical improvement following the visit and implementation of advice provided to the family. However, more studies are needed to further document efficacy and also perform cost–benefit analysis of these services.



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