首页> 外文期刊>Environmental Health Perspectives >PCDDs, PCDFs, and PCBs in Human Blood in Relation to Consumption of Crabs from a Contaminated Fjord Area in Norway

PCDDs, PCDFs, and PCBs in Human Blood in Relation to Consumption of Crabs from a Contaminated Fjord Area in Norway


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Consumption of fish and shellfish from contaminated areas may be an important source of human exposure to persistent organohalogen compounds such as polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs), and polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs). We determined concentrations of 2,3,7,8-substituted PCDDs and PCDFs and 19 PCB congeners in whole blood samples from three groups of men, 40-54 years of age, with different consumption levels of crabs from a fjord area in southern Norway polluted with organochlorine compounds from a magnesium production plant. A significant increase of many PCDD/PCDF congeners was found in the blood when comparing the referents, moderate-, and high-intake groups. The greatest difference was observed for several of the PCDFs that are characteristic for the contamination of the marine biota of the fjord. PCBs, in general, play a minor role in the contamination of the fjord by the magnesium production process, except for the highly chlorinated congeners such as PCB-209. Nevertheless, almost all PCBs increased from the referents to the high-intake group. However, the relative concentrations of several highly chlorinated PCBs (particularly PCB-209) in blood are unexpectedly low compared to their abundance in crabs, indicating low uptake of these congeners. The exposure to PCDDs/PCDFs from crab consumption calculated from individual body burdens of these compounds were in good agreement with the intake estimated from previously measured concentrations in crabs, reported fishing sites, and consumption. Almost all subjects in the high-intake group exceeded the tolerable weekly intake of 35 pg TEQ/kg body weight/week proposed by a Nordic Expert Group.
机译:食用受污染地区的鱼类和贝类可能是人类接触持久性有机卤素化合物的重要来源,例如多氯联苯(PCB),多氯二苯并对二恶英(PCDD)和多氯二苯并呋喃(PCDF)。我们测定了三组年龄在40-54岁之间的男性全血样品中2,3,7,8-取代的PCDDs和PCDFs以及19种PCB同类物质的浓度,这些样品来自挪威南部峡湾地区的螃蟹消费量不同镁生产厂的有机氯化合物污染了该产品。比较参考对象,中摄入量和高摄入量组时,血液中发现了许多PCDD / PCDF同系物的显着增加。在几个PCDF中观察到最大的差异,这些PCDF是峡湾海洋生物群污染的特征。通常,PCBs在镁生产工艺对峡湾的污染中仅扮演很小的角色,除了高度氯化的同类物(如PCB-209)。然而,从参考对象到高摄入量组,几乎所有PCB都增加了。但是,血液中几种高度氯化的多氯联苯(尤其是PCB-209)的相对浓度与螃蟹中的丰富度相比出乎意料地低,表明这些同源物的摄入量较低。由螃蟹的消费量(根据这些化合物的单独身体负荷计算得出)所接触的PCDD / PCDF与根据先前测得的螃蟹的浓度,报告的捕鱼地点和消费量估算的摄入量高度吻合。高摄入量组的几乎所有受试者都超过了北欧专家组建议的每周可耐受的每周摄入量为35 pg TEQ / kg体重。



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