首页> 外文期刊>Environmental Geology >Causes of the catastrophic failure of an earth dam built on gypsiferous alluvium and dispersive clays (Altorricon, Huesca Province, NE Spain)

Causes of the catastrophic failure of an earth dam built on gypsiferous alluvium and dispersive clays (Altorricon, Huesca Province, NE Spain)


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This paper analyses the causes of the catastrophic failure of an earth dam that took place on 21 January 2001 during the first filling test in the NE of Spain (Altorricon village, Huesca Province). The San Juan reservoir, with a capacity of 850,000 m~3, was built in 1999 on gypsiferous mantled pediment deposits overlying Tertiary dispersive clay sediments. The basin of the reservoir was excavated in the alluvial cover and Tertiary bedrock. An earth dam was constructed on the pediment surface along the perimeter of the artificial basin. The dam has a core of compacted clay material derived from the excavation, which is indented 1 m in the Tertiary shales of the bedrock, cutting the highly pervious alluvial mantle. Field observations, analysis of the basin and dam materials and eyewitnesses accounts have helped to infer the processes involved in the failure of the earth dam. These processes include (1) subsidence and ravelling (suffosion) processes induced by the dissolution of the 4-m-thick detrital cover with a gypsum content of around 40%; (2) piping processes affecting the embankments and core of the dam built with dispersive clays that have high exchangeable sodium percentage (ESP) and show active pipes; and (3) water circulation through biogenic burrows in the pediment deposits. This case study demonstrates the frequently hidden limitations that evaporite sediments and dispersive clay materials pose to the construction of dams. It also shows that highly permeable surficial deposits should be stripped before the construction of the dam structure.
机译:本文分析了2001年1月21日西班牙东北部(韦斯卡省Altorricon村)的首次充填试验期间发生的土坝灾难性破坏的原因。 San Juan水库的容量为850,000 m〜3,建于1999年,覆盖在第三系弥散性粘土沉积物上的吉卜赛状地幔沉积沉积物上。水库盆地在冲积层和第三纪基岩中开挖。在沿人工盆地周边的山墙表面上建造了一个土坝。该坝有一个由开挖产生的压实粘土材料心,该心在基岩的第三纪页岩中缩进了1 m,从而切断了高度透水的冲积层。实地观察,对流域和大坝材料的分析以及目击者的叙述有助于推断出土坝发生故障的过程。这些过程包括:(1)由厚度为4 m的石膏含量约为40%的碎屑覆盖层的溶解引起的塌陷和塌陷(窒息)过程; (2)影响使用可交换钠百分数(ESP)高且分散的粘土建造的大坝堤防和核心的管道工艺; (3)山墙沉积物中生物洞穴的水循环。该案例研究表明,蒸发沉积物和分散性粘土材料经常对水坝的建设构成隐患。这也表明,在建造大坝结构之前,应清除高渗透性的表层沉积物。



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