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Geospatial association between adverse birth outcomes and arsenic in groundwater in New Hampshire, USA


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There is increasing evidence of the role of arsenic in the etiology of adverse human reproductive outcomes. Because drinking water can be a major source of arsenic to pregnant women, the effect of arsenic exposure through drinking water on human birth may be revealed by a geospatial association between arsenic concentration in groundwater and birth problems, particularly in a region where private wells substantially account for water supply, like New Hampshire, USA. We calculated town-level rates of preterm birth and term low birth weight (term LBW) for New Hampshire, by using data for 1997-2009 stratified by maternal age. We smoothed the rates by using a locally weighted averaging method to increase the statistical stability. The town-level groundwater arsenic probability values are from three GIS data layers generated by the US Geological Survey: probability of local groundwater arsenic concentration > 1 A mu g/L, probability > 5 A mu g/L, and probability > 10 A mu g/L. We calculated Pearson's correlation coefficients (r) between the reproductive outcomes (preterm birth and term LBW) and the arsenic probability values, at both state and county levels. For preterm birth, younger mothers (maternal age < 20) have a statewide r = 0.70 between the rates smoothed with a threshold = 2,000 births and the town mean arsenic level based on the data of probability > 10 A mu g/L; for older mothers, r = 0.19 when the smoothing threshold = 3,500; a majority of county level r values are positive based on the arsenic data of probability > 10 A mu g/L. For term LBW, younger mothers (maternal age < 25) have a statewide r = 0.44 between the rates smoothed with a threshold = 3,500 and town minimum arsenic concentration based on the data of probability > 1 A mu g/L; for older mothers, r = 0.14 when the rates are smoothed with a threshold = 1,000 births and also adjusted by town median household income in 1999, and the arsenic values are the town minimum based on probability > 10 A mu g/L. At the county level for younger mothers, positive r values prevail, but for older mothers, it is a mix. For both birth problems, the several most populous counties-with 60-80 % of the state's population and clustering at the southwest corner of the state-are largely consistent in having a positive r across different smoothing thresholds. We found evident spatial associations between the two adverse human reproductive outcomes and groundwater arsenic in New Hampshire, USA. However, the degree of associations and their sensitivity to different representations of arsenic level are variable. Generally, preterm birth has a stronger spatial association with groundwater arsenic than term LBW, suggesting an inconsistency in the impact of arsenic on the two reproductive outcomes. For both outcomes, younger maternal age has stronger spatial associations with groundwater arsenic.
机译:越来越多的证据表明砷在不利的人类生殖结果的病因学中的作用。因为饮用水可能是孕妇的主要砷来源,所以地下水中砷的浓度与出生问题之间的地理空间联系可能揭示了饮用水中砷暴露对人类出生的影响,特别是在私人水井占很大比例的地区用于供水,例如美国新罕布什尔州。通过使用按母亲年龄分层的1997-2009年数据,我们计算了新罕布什尔州的城镇早产率和低出生体重(足月体重)。我们使用局部加权平均法来平滑速率,以提高统计稳定性。城镇水平的地下水砷概率值来自美国地质调查局生成的三个GIS数据层:本地地下水砷浓度的概率> 1 Aμg / L,概率> 5 Aμg / L,概率> 10 A克/升我们在州和县两级计算了生殖结局(早产和足月出生体重)与砷概率值之间的皮尔森相关系数(r)。对于早产,年轻母亲(产妇年龄<20岁)在全州范围内r = 0.70(以阈值= 2,000的出生数平滑)与镇平均砷水平之间(基于概率> 10 Aμg / L的数据);对于年龄较大的母亲,当平滑阈值= 3500时,r = 0.19;根据概率> 10 Aμg / L的砷数据,大多数县级r值为正。对于足月出生体重,年轻母亲(产妇年龄<25岁)在全州范围内的r = 0.44(以阈值= 3,500平滑的比率)与镇最低砷浓度(基于概率> 1 Aμg / L的数据)之间;对于年纪较大的母亲,如果将比率降低为阈值= 1,000个婴儿,并且根据1999年城镇的家庭平均收入进行调整,则r = 0.14,并且砷值是基于概率> 10 Aμg / L的城镇最小值。在县一级,年轻母亲的R值较高,但对于年长母亲则是一个好主意。对于这两个出生问题,人口最多的几个县(占该州人口的60%至80%,并且聚集在该州的西南角)在不同的平滑阈值上具有正r基本上是一致的。我们在美国新罕布什尔州发现了两个不利的人类生殖结果与地下水砷之间的明显空间关联。然而,缔合程度及其对砷水平不同表示的敏感性是可变的。通常,早产比足月LBW与地下水砷的空间联系更强,这表明砷对两种生殖结果的影响不一致。对于这两种结果,更年轻的产妇年龄与地下水砷的空间联系更强。



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