首页> 外文期刊>Environmental Geochemistry and Health >Environmental assessment of potential toxic trace element contents in the inundated floodplain area of Tablas de Daimiel wetland (Spain)

Environmental assessment of potential toxic trace element contents in the inundated floodplain area of Tablas de Daimiel wetland (Spain)

机译:Tablas de Daimiel湿地(西班牙)被淹洪泛区的潜在毒性微量元素含量的环境评估

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Contamination of aquatic systems with potentially toxic trace elements (PTEs) is a major problem throughout the world. The National Park Tablas de Daimiel (NPTD) is considered to make up one of the two most important wetlands in the Biosphere Reserve called "Wet Spot.'' Since PTEs are good indicator of the prevailing environmental conditions and possible contamination, soil samples collected from 43 sites were analyzed in order to investigate the levels and its distribution of these elements, in the inundated floodplain area of the NPTD wetland. In addition, some physicochemical parameters such as pH, electrical conductivity and organic matter were measured. The total concentrations of 32 trace elements were determined by X-ray fluorescence. The results show that there was accumulation of lead (Pb), tin (Sn), selenium (Se), antimony (Sb), copper (Cu), vanadium (V), nickel (Ni), zinc (Zn), arsenic (As), strontium (Sr) and zirconium (Zr)-in some cases at high concentrations. The interpolated maps showed that the distributions of some of these elements and in some cases the trend in spatial variability are pronounced and decrease from the inlet to the outlet. The values for some elements are higher than the reference values, which is consistent with contamination (some values are higher by a factor of more than 10 compared to the reference). In the case of iodine (I), the levels at some sample points are significantly more than ten times the reference; Se appears in the range from 1.0 to 9.8 mg/kg, with an average value of 3.1 mg/kg, and these can be considered as seleniferous soils. The concentrations found are consistent with the introduction in the wetland of pollution by human activities, such as agricultural non-point sources, uncontrolled fertilization over many years, treatment with urban wastewater and other possible sources.
机译:潜在毒性微量元素(PTE)对水生系统的污染是全世界的主要问题。国家公园Tablas de Daimiel(NPTD)被认为是生物圈保护区中两个最重要的湿地之一,被称为“湿点”。由于PTE可以很好地指示当前的环境条件和可能的污染,因此从在NPTD湿地被淹没的洪泛区中分析了43个地点,以调查这些元素的水平及其分布,还测量了一些理化参数,例如pH,电导率和有机质,总浓度为32 X射线荧光法测定微量元素,结果表明铅,铅,锡,硒,锑,锑,铜,铜,钒,镍, Ni),锌(Zn),砷(As),锶(Sr)和锆(Zr)-在某些情况下为高浓度,内插图显示其中某些元素的分布以及某些情况下的空间趋势可变性e从进口到出口明显减少。一些元素的值高于参考值,这与污染相符(某些值比参考值高出10倍以上)。就碘(I)而言,某些采样点的水平明显高于参考值的十倍;硒的含量范围为1.0至9.8 mg / kg,平均值为3.1 mg / kg,可以认为是硒质土壤。所发现的浓度与人类活动在湿地中引入的污染相一致,例如农业面源,多年以来不受控制的施肥,城市污水处理和其他可能的来源。



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