首页> 外文期刊>Environmental Geochemistry and Health >Geochemical fractions and phytoavailability of Zinc in a contaminated calcareous soil affected by biotic and abiotic amendments

Geochemical fractions and phytoavailability of Zinc in a contaminated calcareous soil affected by biotic and abiotic amendments


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Many studies have conducted to determine the best management practice to reduce the mobility and phytoavailability of the trace metals in contaminated soils. In this study, geochemical speciation and phytoavailability of Zn for sunflower were studied after application of nanoparticles (SiO2 and zeolite, with an application rate of 200 mg kg(-1)) and bacteria [Bacillus safensis FO-036b(T) and Pseudomonas fluorescens p.f.169] to a calcareous heavily contaminated soil. Results showed that the biotic and abiotic treatments significantly reduced the Zn concentration in the aboveground to non-toxicity levels compared to the control treatment, and the nanoparticle treatments were more effective than the bacteria and control treatments. The concentration of CaCl2-extractable Zn in the treated soils was significantly lower than those of the control treatment. The results of sequential extraction showed that the maximum portion of total Zn belonged to the fraction associated with iron and manganese oxides. On the contrary, the minimum percent belonged to the exchangeable and water-soluble Zn (F-1). From the environmental point of view, the fraction associated with iron and manganese oxides is less bioavailable than the F-1 and carbonated fractions. On the basis of plant growth promotion, simultaneous application of the biotic and abiotic treatments significantly increased the aboveground dry biomass yield and also significantly reduced the CaCl2-extractable form, uptake by aboveground and translocation factor of Zn compared to the control treatment. Therefore, it might be suggested as an efficient strategy to promote the plant growth and reduce the mobile and available forms of toxic metals in calcareous heavily contaminated soils.
机译:已经进行了许多研究,以确定减少污染土壤中微量金属的迁移率和植物利用率的最佳管理方法。在这项研究中,研究了在施用纳米颗粒(SiO2和沸石,施用量为200 mg kg(-1))和细菌[安全芽孢杆菌FO-036b(T)和荧光假单胞菌之后,向日葵对锌的地球化学形态和植物有效性。 pf169]到石灰质严重污染的土壤上。结果表明,与对照相比,生物和非生物处理将地上锌的浓度显着降低至无毒水平,并且纳米颗粒处理比细菌和对照处理更有效。在处理过的土壤中,CaCl2可提取的Zn的浓度显着低于对照处理。顺序萃取的结果表明,总锌的最大部分属于与铁和锰氧化物有关的部分。相反,最小百分比属于可交换的水溶性Zn(F-1)。从环境的角度来看,与铁和锰的氧化物相关的馏分的生物利用度低于F-1和碳酸的馏分。在促进植物生长的基础上,与对照处理相比,同时施用生物和非生物处理显着提高了地上干生物量的产量,并且还显着降低了CaCl2可提取的形式,地上对锌的吸收和锌的转运因子。因此,建议将其作为一种有效的策略,以促进植物生长并减少钙质重度污染土壤中的有毒金属的流动和可用形式。



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