首页> 外文期刊>Environmental economics and policy studies >Natural resource rents and capital accumulation nexus: do resource rents raise public human and physical capital expenditures?

Natural resource rents and capital accumulation nexus: do resource rents raise public human and physical capital expenditures?


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This paper examines the effects of total, mineral, natural gas, and oil rents on the public total, education, health, and infrastructure expenditures using the dynamic panel estimation methods and data for more than 100 countries for the 1980-2015 period. Our results indicate that total resource rents do not have a significant impact on the public total and infrastructure expenditures. However, they provide a robust evidence for the adverse effect of resource rents on the public education and health expenditures. Our results lend a substantial evidence for the conclusion that the notorious resource curse can be also explained by its adverse effect on the human capital accumulation. We then test whether the democracy level matters in investigating the effects of resource rents on the public expenditures. Interestingly, we find that total resource rents exert a negative impact on the education expenditures only in autocratic countries. These results clearly indicate that policy makers should take necessary steps to remove the adverse effects of resource rents on the public education and health expenditures to increase human capital formation.
机译:本文介绍了在1980 - 2015年期间超过100个国家的动态面板估计方法和数据,占总,矿物质,天然气和石油租赁的效果。我们的结果表明,资源租金对公共总额和基础设施支出没有重大影响。但是,它们为资源租金对公共教育和保健支出的不利影响提供了稳健的证据。我们的结果借鉴了臭名昭着的资源诅咒的结论,也可以通过对人力资本积累的不利影响来解释。然后,我们测试民主水平是否对调查资源租金对公共支出的影响。有趣的是,我们发现资源租金的总资源租金仅对专制国家的教育支出产生负面影响。这些结果清楚地表明,政策制定者应采取必要步骤,消除资源租金对公共教育和保健支出的不利影响,以增加人力资本形成。



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