首页> 外文期刊>Environmental Earth Sciences >Hydrochemical properties of transition zone between fresh groundwater and seawater in karst environment of the Adriatic islands, Croatia

Hydrochemical properties of transition zone between fresh groundwater and seawater in karst environment of the Adriatic islands, Croatia


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Eastern coast of the Adriatic Sea consists of karstified carbonates. It belongs to the well-known Dinaric karst region. The coast is extremely indented and there are 718 islands with numerous rock crags and reefs. Some of the inhabited islands use their own water resources for public water supply, or plan to do it in the future. Since karst rocks are extremely permeable, the seawater intrudes into underground water resources, thereby forming the wedge. A wide transition zone occurs between this seawater wedge and fresh water aquifers. Consequently, island groundwater reserves turn brackish to a certain extent. In this study, 77 water samples were collected from a wide variety of water resources. Comprehensive statistical and mathematical multivariate analysis of these data was performed. Simple statistical approach showed several useful correlations among some parameters, and more complex multivariate techniques extracted three factors in connection with three natural processes: (1) mixing with the seawater, (2) carbonate dissolution and (3) human influence (pollution) and nitrogen transformation processes. The results of this study demonstrate that in situ measurement of electrical conductivity is adequate for the very rough field estimation of numerous parameters. Keywords Fresh/salt water relations - Karst - Islands - Hydrochemistry - Multivariate analyses



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