首页> 外文期刊>Environmental Conservation >The impact of wildlife-related benefits on the conservation attitudes of local people around the Selous Game Reserve, Tanzania

The impact of wildlife-related benefits on the conservation attitudes of local people around the Selous Game Reserve, Tanzania


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In recent years there has been a proliferation of projects aiming to integrate human development needs with conservation objectives, and to establish mutually beneficial relationships for the management of natural resources between rural communities and the state. This paper presents data from a case study of human-wildlife interactions in villages along the northern boundary of the Selous Game Reserve in south-east Tanzania. Since 1989, this area has been the site of a project working to promote community wildlife management (CWM). Questionnaire survey data were used to examine villagers' conservation attitudes towards wildlife, the Game Reserve, and the activities of the CWM project and state wildlife management authority. Despite local support for the conservation of wildlife, many respondents were either unaware or held negative views of the activities of the wildlife management institutions. Logistic regression analyses show that while access to game meat from the CWM project has had a positive influence on perceptions of wildlife benefits and awareness of the project's activities, it has had no significant effect on local perceptions of the Game Reserve and the activities of the state wildlife management authority. The factors underlying the observed pattern of conservation attitudes were identified as the inequitable distribution of benefits from the CWM project, and the limited nature of community participation in wildlife management. The importance of institutional issues for the future progress of participatory approaches to conservation with development is emphasized.
机译:近年来,旨在将人类发展需求与保护目标结合起来,并在农村社区与国家之间建立自然资源管理互利关系的项目激增。本文提供了来自坦桑尼亚东南部塞卢斯禁猎区北部边界沿线村庄中人与野生生物相互作用的案例研究数据。自1989年以来,该地区一直是致力于促进社区野生动植物管理(CWM)的项目的所在地。问卷调查数据用于检查村民对野生动植物,野生动物保护区,CWM项目和州野生动植物管理机构的活动的保护态度。尽管当地支持野生动植物保护,但许多受访者对野生动植物管理机构的活动不了解或持否定态度。 Logistic回归分析表明,尽管从CWM项目获取野味对认知野生动植物利益和对该项目的活动产生了积极影响,但对当地对野生动物保护区和国家活动的看法没有明显影响野生动植物管理局。确定的观察到的保护态度模式的潜在因素被确定为来自CWM项目的收益分配不均,以及社区参与野生动植物管理的性质有限。强调了体制问题对于参与性保护与发展的未来方法进展的重要性。



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