首页> 外文期刊>Environment reporter >'Cash for Clunkers' Seen as Boost for Detroit,Boon for Fuel Economy of Cars on U.S. Roads

'Cash for Clunkers' Seen as Boost for Detroit,Boon for Fuel Economy of Cars on U.S. Roads


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U.S. auto manufacturers, struggling to survive an industry implosion and global consumer credit crunch, are urging lawmakers to enact legislation that would reward car buyers who trade in their old gas-guzzlers for new, fuel-efficient cars.rnPresident Obama and leaders in Congress have all expressed support for a so-called "cash for clunkers" or "fleet modernization" program to spur auto sales and at the same time get older, more polluting cars off the road. Legislation has been introduced in both the House of Representatives and the Senate, though there are differences among the various proposals introduced so far.rnA bill (H.R. 1550) sponsored by Rep. Betty Sutton (D-Ohio) would provide vouchers of $3,000 to $5,000 for trade-ins of cars that are at least nine years old. The amount of the voucher would be based on the fuel efficiency of the new car being purchased, or it could be used for transit fare.
机译:美国汽车制造商正努力度过行业崩溃和全球消费者信贷紧缩的困境,他们敦促立法者制定立法,奖励那些以旧汽油消耗大国换购新的省油汽车的购车者。rn奥巴马总统和国会领导人所有人都表示支持所谓的“旧车换现金”或“车队现代化”计划,以刺激汽车销售,同时使道路更老,污染更严重的汽车停产。众议院和参议院均已引入立法,尽管迄今为止所提出的各种提案之间存在差异。rn由众议员贝蒂·萨顿(D-Ohio)赞助的法案(HR 1550)将提供3,000至5,000美元的代金券以旧换新至少9年的汽车。凭证的金额将基于所购买的新车的燃油效率,或者可用于过境票价。



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