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EPA Denies U.S. Steel's Request to Redraw Detroit Sulfur Dioxide Nonattainment Area


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The Environmental Protection Agency has denied a petition from U.S. Steel Corp. that asked the agency to change the boundaries of a Detroit area designated as out of attainment with national ambient air quality standards for sulfur dioxide. In October 2013, U.S. Steel asked the EPA to expand the boundaries of the area, designated as being out of attainment under the 2010 standard, to include DTE Energy Co.'s Monroe, Mich., plant, saying emissions from the power plant contributed to violations in the area. U.S. Steel said a review of elevated sulfur dioxide concentrations at a nearby monitor in 2009 showed that the installation of "scrubbers" at two of the DTE plant's four units resulted in improved air quality, suggesting that if similar controls were installed on the other two units, the monitor likely would show attainment. U.S. Steel also said readings from the monitor showed elevated sulfur dioxide levels during the spring, when the steel company's operations were "curtailed."
机译:美国国家环境保护局(EPA)拒绝了美国钢铁公司的请愿书,该请愿书要求该机构更改底特律地区的边界,该边界被指定为超出国家二氧化硫环境空气质量标准。 2013年10月,美国钢铁公司(US Steel)要求EPA扩大该地区的界限,该界限被指定为2010年标准无法达到的范围,其中包括DTE Energy Co.位于密歇根州门罗的工厂,称该电厂的排放造成了在该地区的违法行为。美国钢铁公司(US Steel)于2009年对附近一台监测仪对二氧化硫浓度升高的评估显示,在DTE工厂的四台机组中有两台安装了“洗涤塔”,从而改善了空气质量,这表明如果在其他两台机组上安装了类似的控制装置,监视器可能会显示出达到目标。美国钢铁公司还表示,监测仪的读数显示,春季期间,钢铁公司的运营“受到限制”,二氧化硫水平升高。



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