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Indonesia's President Widodo Talks Climate With Obama, But Visit Curtailed by Fires


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With smoke choking Indonesia's air, President Joko Widodo met President Barack Obama at the White House in a visit curtailed by forest fires that have focused attention on climate change.The blazes, which have spread thick haze over the Asian country, are forcing Widodo to shorten a trip that had been focused as much on investment as on the U.S.-Indonesia relationship. In addition to a ceremony Oct. 26 celebrating agreements with several U.S. companies at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Widodo had scheduled stops on the West Coast later in the week to meet with officials from Google Inc., Facebook Inc. and Apple Inc., according to Indonesian officials. He now plans to return home Oct. 27.
机译:印尼总统约科·维多多(Joko Widodo)窒息了印尼的空气,在白宫会见了巴拉克·奥巴马(Barack Obama)总统。这次旅行不仅注重投资,还注重美印关系。除了10月26日在美国商会举行的庆祝与几家美国公司达成协议的仪式外,Widodo还计划在本周晚些时候在西海岸停靠,与Google Inc.,Facebook Inc.和Apple Inc.的官员会面,据印尼官员说。他现在计划10月27日返回家中。



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