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Clean Power Plan Points Utilities Toward 'Inevitable' Low-Carbon Future, EPA Says


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Alow-carbon future is "inevitable," and the Environmental Protection Agency's proposed Clean Power Plan is intended to send utilities the market signals necessary to guide those investments, Administrator Gina McCarthy said. "A low carbon future is absolutely inevitable. The question is how quickly will that come out and who will win," McCarthy said April 28 at Columbia University's Global Energy Summit in New York. McCarthy said the EPA's proposed rule follows investments utilities have already made in new natural gas-fired and renewable electricity generating capacity. The proposed Clean Power Plan would provide additional market certainty for utilities as they continue to pursue those investments. "America is already bullish on clean energy and the low carbon economy," McCarthy said. "That is my argument. That is what money and investments are telling me. EPA simply wants to send the right signal so they can feel sure when they double down it will be profitable to them."
机译:低碳的未来是“不可避免的”,环保署拟议的《清洁能源计划》旨在向公用事业公司发送指导这些投资所必需的市场信号,署长吉娜·麦卡锡说。麦卡锡在4月28日于纽约哥伦比亚大学举行的全球能源峰会上说:“低碳的未来绝对是不可避免的。问题是,要多快才能出局,谁将获胜。”麦卡锡说,EPA拟议的规则是在公用事业公司已经投资于新型天然气和可再生发电能力之后进行的。拟议的《清洁电力计划》将为公用事业公司继续进行这些投资提供更多的市场确定性。麦卡锡说:“美国已经看好清洁能源和低碳经济。” “这是我的观点。这就是金钱和投资告诉我的东西。EPA只是想发出正确的信号,这样他们就可以确定,当他们加倍投资时,将对他们有利。”



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