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EPA Proposes Water Quality Standards To Protect Fish-Eating Tribes in Maine


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The Environmental Protection Agency has stepped in and proposed water quality standards for Maine because the state has failed to issue standards of its own that are stringent enough, agency officials said April 20. The EPA proposed nine new standards, with eight of them designed to better protect the health of the four Indian tribes that fish on the Penobscot River and depend on their catch for sustenance, the agency said in an April 20 notice in the Federal Register (81 Fed. Reg. 23239). Limits for 96 pollutants that are commonly found in the Penobscot River and other rivers near Indian lands in Maine would be established in the rulemaking. They include cyanide, toluene and vinyl chloride.
机译:环保局官员于4月20日表示,环境保护局已介入并提出缅因州的水质标准,因为该州未能发布自己的足够严格的标准。EPA提出了9项新标准,其中8项旨在更好该机构在4月20日的《联邦公报》(81 Fed。Reg。23239)中指出,保护在Penobscot河上捕鱼的四个印第安部落的健康,并依靠他们的捕捞来维持生计。在规则制定过程中将确定Penobscot河和缅因州印度土地附近其他河流中常见的96种污染物的限值。它们包括氰化物,甲苯和氯乙烯。



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