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Snyder Signs $30 Million Funding Package To Give Flint Residents Credit on Water Bills


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A $30 million budget supplemental bill that will provide residents of Flint, Mich., a credit on their water bills for water they haven't been able to use because of lead contamination was signed into law by Gov. Rick Snyder (R) Feb. 26. "Flint residents should not have to pay for water they cannot drink," Snyder said during a news conference after signing the bill. "This credit will reimburse residents for payments made since April 2014 for the portion of water used for drinking, bathing and cooking." Snyder said he would ask for additional funding in the state's fiscal year 2017 budget to help Flint residents, whose drinking water became contaminated with excessive levels of lead after the city switched its water source but did not add controls to prevent aging service lines from leaching the toxic metal.
机译:州长Rick Snyder(R)于2月2日签署了一项价值3000万美元的预算补充法案,该法案将向密歇根州弗林特市的居民提供因铅污染而无法使用的水费账单。 26.斯奈德在签署法案后的新闻发布会上说:“火石居民不必为他们不能喝的水付钱。” “这项信贷将偿还居民自2014年4月以来支付的用于饮用,沐浴和烹饪的部分水费。”斯奈德说,他将在该州2017财年预算中要求追加资金,以帮助弗林特居民。在该市更换水源后,弗林特居民的饮用水受到了过量铅的污染,但并未增加控制措施以防止老化的服务管线浸出有毒金属。



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