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Volkswagen Meeting With EPA's McCarthy On Diesel Emissions Ends After an Hour


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Volkswagen AG Chief Executive Matthias Mueller met with Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Gina McCarthy for about an hour Jan. 13, as the German carmaker discussed revamped proposals to overcome a diesel emissions-cheating scandal. Mueller pulled out from the EPA courtyard in a black Audi sedan without commenting on the meeting. The company issued a short statement acknowledging that Mueller and VW brand chief Herbert Diess had met with McCarthy. "Volkswagen will continue to fully cooperate" with regulators, the company said in a statement. Julia Valentine, a spokeswoman for the EPA, had no immediate comment. The meeting came a day after the California Air Resources Board rejected the company's initial proposed engine fix.
机译:大众汽车公司首席执行官马蒂亚斯·穆勒(Matthias Mueller)于1月13日与环境保护局局长吉娜·麦卡锡(Gina McCarthy)会面了大约一个小时,当时这家德国汽车制造商讨论了修改提案,以克服柴油机排放作弊的丑闻。穆勒(Mueller)乘坐黑色奥迪轿车从EPA庭院中抽出,未对会议发表评论。该公司发表简短声明,承认穆勒(Mueller)和大众汽车品牌总裁赫伯特·迪斯(Herbert Diess)会见了麦卡锡。该公司在一份声明中说,“大众将继续与监管机构充分合作”。 EPA发言人茱莉亚·瓦伦丁(Julia Valentine)没有立即发表评论。会议是在加利福尼亚州空气资源委员会否决了公司最初提出的发动机维修计划的第二天。



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