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Draft Air Permits Wouldn't Need to Run In Newspapers Under EPA Proposed Rule


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The Environmental Protection Agency is proposing to remove requirements for local regulators to publish notices of draft air permits in newspapers, extending a media-neutral policy it adopted for minor new source review permits in 2012. The EPA's proposed rule (RIN 2060-AS59), which will be published in the Federal Register on Dec. 29, would allow the agency as well as state and local air regulators to provide public notice of draft new source review, Title V and Outer Continental Shelf permits electronically, eliminating a mandatory requirement to publish the notices in newspapers. The proposed rule would require draft major source permits that are issued by the EPA or delegated air agencies implementing federal rules to be published electronically. States would have the option of continuing to publish notices in newspapers for draft major source permits issued under their own rules that have been approved by the EPA. However, the proposal would require states to adopt a consistent approach, meaning all draft permits must either be published electronically or in newspapers.
机译:美国环境保护署(EPA)提议取消当地监管机构在报纸上发布空气许可证草案通知的要求,并扩大其在2012年对次要新来源审查许可证采用的与媒体无关的政策。EPA的拟议规则(RIN 2060-AS59)该法案将于12月29日在《联邦公报》上发布,这将允许该机构以及州和地方航空监管机构以电子方式提供新消息来源审查草案的公共通知,标题V和“外大陆架”允许以电子方式发布,从而消除了发布的强制性要求报纸上的通知。拟议规则将要求由EPA或执行联邦规则的授权航空机构签发的主要源许可证草案以电子方式发布。各国可以选择继续在报纸上发布关于根据EPA批准的自己的规则发行的主要来源许可证草案的通知。但是,该提案将要求各州采用一致的方法,这意味着所有许可证草案必须以电子方式或在报纸上发布。



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