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An evaluation of mixed species in-situ and ex-situ feeding assays: The altered response of Asellus aquaticus and Gammarus pulex


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Mixed species feeding assays were undertaken with pollution sensitive (Gammarus pulex) and tolerant (Asellus aquaticus) macro-invertebrates during August 2003 and April 2004. The purpose of this study was to establish if a test animals' response is comparable during in-situ and ex-situ toxicity tests. Seven test sites were established along an undisclosed stream, which received leachate discharge from an unlined, disused UK landfill site. Sampling points A-B were upstream of the contamination, C was adjacent to the influx and D-G were downstream of the leachate discharge (at 100 m intervals). During the in-situ and ex-situ tests, 2-week-old male laboratory bred A. aquaticus and G. pulex were used as test animals. The animals were transplanted to the seven sampling points for the duration of the in-situ tests, whilst water samples from each site were returned to the laboratory for ex-situ testing. The results show that the animals' mortality and feeding rates followed similar trends during the in-situ and ex-situ tests, however, the animals' response was amplified during the in-situ tests. It was also observed that the effects were greater in April, compared to August that may be attributed to a higher frequency of rainfall during spring, which could have flushed a greater proportion of the contaminant load from the waste mass and as a consequence, higher levels of pollution may have leached into the stream from the landfill site. The study, therefore, concludes that in-situ toxicity tests are a more precise monitoring technique, in comparison to ex-situ assays.
机译:在2003年8月至2004年4月期间,对污染敏感的(Gammarus pulex)和耐受性的(Asellus aquaticus)大型无脊椎动物进行了混合物种喂养试验。本研究的目的是确定试验动物在原位和非繁殖期的反应是否可比。异位毒性试验。沿着一条未公开的溪流建立了七个测试地点,这些溪水从一个未衬砌的废弃英国垃圾填埋场接收渗滤液排放。采样点A-B位于污染物的上游,C靠近入流,D-G位于渗滤液排放的下游(间隔100 m)。在原位和异位测试中,使用2周大的雄性实验室繁殖的A. aquaticus和G. pulex作为测试动物。在原位测试期间,将动物移植到七个采样点,同时将每个站点的水样返回实验室进行异位测试。结果表明,在原位和异位试验中,动物的死亡率和摄食率遵循相似的趋势,但是,在原位试验中,动物的反应得到了增强。还观察到,与八月份相比,四月份的影响更大,这可能归因于春季降雨的频率增加,这可能从废物中冲走了更大比例的污染物负荷,因此,污染物含量更高。的污染可能已从垃圾填埋场渗入河流。因此,该研究得出结论,与异位测定相比,原位毒性测试是一种更精确的监测技术。



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