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Determinants of households' involvement in waste separation and collection for recycling in South Africa


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Urbanization and industrial development in many developing countries have brought along significant problem of waste management and other environmental concerns. Recycling is a veritable option already identified in the South Africa's Waste Act of 2008 as a way of reducing negative externalities that are associated with waste accumulation and its improper disposal. This study analysed the factors influencing households' involvement in waste separation/collection for recycling in South Africa within the modified framework of the Theory of Planned Behaviour. The data were the General Household Survey of 2014, which were analysed with descriptive statistics and two-stage probit regression. The results showed that waste bins that were provided by municipalities were used for waste disposal by 43.36% of urban households as compared to 1.54% for those from rural households. More than half of rural households had no means of storing wastes, while payment for disposal was reported by 58.95% of urban households. Also, 8.13% of all households separated wastes for recycling, but urban households had higher involvement with 11.18%. The main reasons for not recycling among urban and rural households were disposal into available bins (68.50%) and notion that it is not important (52.19%), respectively. The two-stage probit regression results showed that monthly income, being married, race (white, Indian, coloured), paying and willing to pay for waste disposal, existence of waste recycling programmes and facilities positively and statistical significantly (p0.10) influenced recycling, while perception of financial benefits and perception of the importance of recycling reduced it. It was concluded that initiatives to resuscitate recycling behaviours should focus on creation of proper awareness, attitudinal change and ensuring availability of recycling facilities, among others.
机译:许多发展中国家的城市化和工业发展带来了废物管理和其他环境问题的重大问题。回收是南非2008年《废物法案》已经确定的一种切实可行的选择,可以减少与废物积累和处置不当相关的负面外部性。这项研究在计划行为理论的修订框架内分析了影响南非家庭参与废物分类/收集以进行回收的因素。数据为2014年的一般家庭调查,并通过描述性统计和两阶段概率回归进行了分析。结果表明,市政当局提供的垃圾箱用于城市家庭的垃圾处理率为43.36%,而农村家庭为1.54%。一半以上的农村家庭没有储存废物的手段,而据报告,城市家庭的处置费用为58.95%。另外,有8.13%的家庭将废物分类以进行回收,但城市家庭的参与度更高,为11.18%。在城市和农村家庭中不进行回收的主要原因分别是被放入可用的垃圾箱(68.50%)和认为不重要的垃圾箱(52.19%)。两阶段Probit回归结果表明,每月收入,已婚,种族(白人,印度裔,有色人种),为废物处置付费和愿意付款,废物回收计划和设施的存在对人们产生了积极的影响,并且统计数据显着(p <0.10)回收,而对财务收益的认识和对回收重要性的认识减少了回收。得出的结论是,旨在促进回收行为的举措应集中在建立适当的意识,态度变化和确保回收设施的可用性等方面。



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