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New Housing As Neighborhood Revitalization: Place Attachment and Confidence Among Residents


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Neighborhood revitalization efforts include building new subdivisions in declining neighborhoods, but few studies have asked the incoming residents about the success of such new housing efforts. We examined neighborhood confidence and place attachment among residents of such a new housing subdivision (n = 56) and compared them to newcomers (n = 99) and old-timers (n = 271) in the surrounding neighborhood. The new subdivision attracted comparatively wealthy, married, home-owning residents. Compared with residents in the surrounding neighborhood, new subdivision residents had more neighborhood confidence, especially those who perceived few incivilities and satisfactory neighborhood services. Subdivision newcomers had higher place attachments than newcomers to the surrounding neighborhood and as high attachments as old-timers in the surrounding neighborhood. Although largely attracted by affordable housing, new subdivision residents may become important neighborhood contributors, given their levels of place attachment and confidence.
机译:社区振兴工作包括在不断下降的社区中建立新的分区,但是很少有研究向新来的居民询问这种新的住房工作是否成功。我们检查了这种新住房细分区(n = 56)的居民之间的邻里信心和地点依恋,并将它们与周围邻里的新移民(n = 99)和老朋友(n = 271)进行了比较。新的分区吸引了相对富裕,已婚,有房的居民。与周围社区的居民相比,新细分的居民对社区的信心更大,尤其是那些很少感到文明和满意的社区服务的居民。细分后的新移民比周围社区的新移民拥有更高的地方依恋,并且与周围邻里的老朋友的依恋程度一样高。尽管在很大程度上受经济适用房的吸引,但鉴于其对地方的依恋和信任程度,新的细分居民可能会成为重要的社区贡献者。



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