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Insensible worlds: postrelational ethics, indeterminacy and the (k)nots of relating


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Within the context of biodiversity loss, this paper asks the question: What is response? In asking how responsibility is raised as a sensible question, I argue there is a need to address the insensible, immaterial, and untimely dimensions of matter and relations. I suggest that thinking along the cusp of the insensible offers a way into an expanded realm of relationality that queries the exclusions that govern the sphere of intelligibility, and help us think between natures to promote a noncontemporaneous ethics of apprehension. Taking up Jean-Luc Nancy's concept of sense and specifically his ideas around the direction of sense, I argue that the insensible is a realm of possibility within the praxis of social and affective norms of sense that may release other modes of being into being. This is a paper about sense as matter forming, as cohabitation, and as an exclusionary tactic that bears on the cohabitation of worlds. I argue that an understanding of how sense is enrolled into our habits of thought and theories of materialities is crucial if we are to create new practices of sensations and new sensibilities around such diffuse, recalcitrant, and dislocated issues as biodiversity loss, new forms of biotechnological life, and climate change. I conclude that if the insensible alerts us to the work of sense in securing the bringing into relation, its configurations, and its a priori orientations, then it also points towards modes of exclusion and forms of resistance in our thinking with nonhuman others that are before and beyond relationality.
机译:在生物多样性丧失的背景下,本文提出了一个问题:什么是对策?在询问如何将责任作为一个明智的问题提出时,我认为有必要解决物质和关系的不明智,不重要和不合时宜的方面。我建议,沿着非理性的尖峰思考,为进入关系的扩展领域提供了一种方法,该关系可以查询控制可理解性领域的排除因素,并帮助我们在自然界之间进行思考,以提倡非当代的忧虑伦理。我认为,让·卢克·南希(Jean-Luc Nancy)的感官概念,尤其是他围绕感官方向的观念,我认为,在社会和情感感官规范的实践中,无理感是一种可能的境界,可能会释放其他存在方式。这是一篇关于物质形成,同居以及作为世界同居的排斥策略的意义的论文。我争辩说,如果我们要围绕诸如生物多样性丧失,新形式的生物技术等分散,顽固和错位的问题创造新的感觉和新感觉的实践,那么理解如何融入我们的思想习惯和物质理论至关重要。生活和气候变化。我得出的结论是,如果麻木不仁的人提醒我们注意有意识的工作,以确保建立联系,其构型和其先验的取向,那么它也指向我们与之前非人类他人的思想中的排斥模式和抵抗形式。以及超越关系。



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