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Organismic spatiality: toward a metaphysic of composition


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The task of this paper is the construction of a theory of organismic spatiality. I take as a starting point Gilles Deleuze's reference in The Logic of Sense to Gilbert Simondon's concept of the membrane. The membrane is a dynamically topological limit between the organism's milieus of interiority and exteriority-the first moment of organismic spatiality. It is the foundation of the organism as an entity spatially distinct from its environment. The membrane is discriminatory and asymmetric-a concept, I claim, best understood by way of a discussion of affectivity. To understand how the membrane brings the organism's interior milieu into contact with the outside requires us to analyze its capacity to affect and be affected by its environment. To appreciate the compositional implications of this affectivity, I bring the concept into conversation with Humberto Maturana and Francisco Varela's work on autopoietic systems theory. Conceived autopoietically, the organism's activity as a living system constructs its own milieu of exteriority. Just as it pulses to its rhythm of temporality, so too does the organism live its own space: the here, as opposed to the now, of organismic subjectivity.
机译:本文的任务是构建有机空间理论。我以吉尔·德勒兹(Gilles Deleuze)在《感性逻辑》中对吉尔伯特·西蒙登(Gilbert Simondon)的膜概念的参考为起点。膜是生物体内部和外部环境之间的动态拓扑极限,即生物体空间性的第一刻。它是有机体在空间上不同于其环境的实体的基础。我认为,这种膜具有歧视性和不对称性,通过对情感的讨论可以最好地理解该膜。要了解膜如何使有机体的内部环境与外部接触,需要我们分析其影响环境的能力。为了欣赏这种情感的构成含义,我将这个概念与Humberto Maturana和Francisco Varela在自体系统理论上的工作进行了对话。从自身的角度出发,有机体作为生命系统的活动构筑了其自身的外部环境。就像它随着时间的节奏脉动一样,有机体也生活在自己的空间中:这里是与现在相反的有机主观性。



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