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Epa Wins 'enhancements' But Fails To Sway Critics On Mining Waste Rule


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EPA is touting water quality "enhancements" it secured prior to approving a contentious Interior Department (DOI) rule that allows mining companies to dump thousands of tons of mine waste in streams, but activists and other critics are blasting the agency's concurrence with DOI's rule and say the concessions fail to improve the rule. "EPA worked closely with [DOI's Office of Surface Mining] to enhance environmental provisions in the final rule, including requirements that no mining activities may occur in or near streams that would violate Federal or State water quality standards," an agency spokeswoman said in a Dec. 2 statement after EPA gave its concurrence to the rule - the last, hotly-contested step before the rule's 1 lth-hour finalization in the Bush administration. The enhancements are detailed in a letter EPA Administrator Stephen Johnson sent DOI Secretary Dirk Kempthorne. The letter is available on InsideEPA.com. Seepage 2 for details.
机译:EPA在批准有争议的内政部(DOI)规则之前要求获得水质“改善”,该规则允许采矿公司将成千上万吨的矿山废料倾倒在溪流中,但活动家和其他批评家都在抨击该机构对DOI规则的同意。说让步不能改善规则。该机构发言人在一份声明中说:“ EPA与[DOI露天采矿办公室]密切合作,以加强最终规定中的环境规定,其中包括要求不得在违反联邦或州水质标准的河流中或附近进行采矿活动。” EPA在12月2日发表声明,表示同意该规则-这是布什政府在第1小时敲定该规则之前的最后一个备受争议的步骤。 EPA管理员斯蒂芬·约翰逊(Stephen Johnson)发给DOI秘书Dirk Kempthorne的信中详细介绍了这些增强功能。该信可在InsideEPA.com上找到。有关详细信息,请参见第2页。



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