首页> 外文期刊>Inside EPA's environmental policy alert >EPA Rejects Call To Use 'Carryover' Credits To Increase Final RFS Targets

EPA Rejects Call To Use 'Carryover' Credits To Increase Final RFS Targets


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EPA in its final multi-year renewable fuel standard (RFS) has rejected a push from pro-ethanol groups and some Democratic lawmakers to increase fuel blending targets by relying on "carryover" biofuel production credits from prior RFS years to meet higher targets, which biofuels advocates says ignores an existing surplus of the credits. The final rule covering 2014 through 2016 increases some of the volume requirements for categories including total renewable fuel - largely met through the production of ethanol - cellulosic fuel and advanced biofuels but the targets are still far short of what the ethanol sector sought. Proponents of ethanol say that the renewable identification number (RIN) credits generated in prior years should have been used to set the RFS targets at higher levels.



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