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Congress Urged To Ease EPA Rule Deadlines To Prevent 'Sue And Settle'


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House Judiciary Committee members are weighing a call to ease Clean Air Act rulemaking deadlines and citizen suit provisions as a way to curb what EPA critics call environmentalists' "sue and settle" strategy of filing litigation against the agency that results in settlement agreements setting deadlines for the agency to write new rules. Andrew Grossman, an adjunct scholar at the free-market advocacy Cato Institute, said at a recent House judiciary panel regulatory review subcommittee hearing that pending bills seeking boost third party involvement in settlement talks and bolster public input mandates on the pacts do not go far enough. In his testimony, he said that Congress should overhaul the statutes that set deadlines environmentalist groups invoke in lawsuits against EPA.
机译:众议院司法委员会成员正在权衡放宽《清洁空气法》法规制定期限和公民诉讼规定的呼吁,以此遏制EPA批评者称之为环保主义者的“起诉和解决”策略,该策略是向导致该和解协议设定最终期限的该机构提起诉讼的。该机构要编写新规则。自由市场倡导者卡托研究所(Cato Institute)的兼职学者安德鲁格罗斯曼(Andrew Grossman)在众议院司法小组监管审查小组委员会最近的一次听证会上表示,正在寻求法案以推动第三方更多地参与和解谈判,并加强协议的公众意见要求。他在证词中说,国会应该彻底修改法规,该法规规定了环保组织在针对EPA的诉讼中所要求的截止日期。



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