首页> 外文期刊>Inside EPA's environmental policy alert >Ruling Backs Eased CWA Pipeline Permit But Judge Raises NEPA Concerns

Ruling Backs Eased CWA Pipeline Permit But Judge Raises NEPA Concerns


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An appellate court is backing the administration's streamlined Clean Water Act (CWA) permit for pipelines that partially defers environmental impacts analyses, but one judge in a concurring opinion suggests the process -which advocates warn limits EPA's input in permits - might violate the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). In a May 29 ruling in Sierra Club, et al. v. Lieutenant General Thomas P. Bostick, et ah, a three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 10th Circuit rejected environmentalists' claims that the Army Corps of Engineers violated NEPA by issuing its nationwide permit (NWP) 12 in 2012 without considering oil spill risks and cumulative effects of pipelines on the environment. NWP 12, issued under CWA section 404(e) authority, governs utility line projects, and the administration often uses it to approve segments of pipeline construction.
机译:上诉法院正在支持政府简化的《清洁水法》(CWA)许可,以部分抵制对环境影响的分析,但一位法官对此表示赞同,该程序提倡警告限制EPA在许可证中的投入,这可能违反了《国家环境政策》。法案(NEPA)。在5月29日对Sierra Club等人的裁决中。诉美国第十巡回上诉法院三名法官中将Thomas P. Bostick等中尉驳回了环保主义者关于陆军工程兵团在2012年颁发全国许可证12违反NEPA的主张无需考虑漏油风险和管道对环境的累积影响。 NWP 12是根据CWA第404(e)条授权发布的,它负责管理公用事业项目,而主管部门经常使用它来批准管道建设的各个部分。



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