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Advocates, States Reject EPA Claim Of Deference For CWA Transfer Rule


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Environmentalists and some states are asking the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 2nd Circuit to rely heavily on its past rulings dealing with Clean Water Act (CWA) permit requirements for transfers of water in order to strike down EPA's 2008 rule exempting such transfers from permit mandates, arguing the rule is not due judicial deference as EPA and other states have claimed. In a Dec. 24 brief to the appellate court in Catskill Mountains Chapter of Trout Unlimited, Inc. et al. v. EPA, et al., environmentalist appellees point to 2001 and 2006 decisions by the 2nd Circuit - known as Catskills Ⅰ and Ⅱ - as establishing definitive precedent on the water-transfer issue, and say that EPA's decision to address water transfers in a rule rather than through agency memos does not require the court to reconsider the underlying legal question.
机译:环保主义者和一些州正在要求美国第二巡回上诉法院在很大程度上依赖于其过去有关转让水的《清洁水法》(CWA)许可要求的裁决,以打击EPA的2008年规则,使此类转让免于许可授权,该规则的争议并没有像EPA和其他州所声称的那样受到司法上的尊重。在12月24日向Trout Unlimited,Inc.等人的卡茨基尔山脉分庭提交给上诉法院的摘要中。诉EPA等人的环境保护主义者指出,第二巡回法院(称为CatskillsⅠ和Ⅱ)于2001年和2006年做出的决定,确立了关于调水问题的明确先例,并说EPA的决定是解决水资源转移问题。裁定而不是通过机构备忘录来裁决,不需要法院重新考虑基本的法律问题。



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