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Federal Agencies May Review Security-Related Standards


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Previous attacks on major public buildings, including the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing and the 1998 explosions at U.S. embassies in Africa, have prompted changes and increased spending on security standards and practices, including those dealing with design and construction. The pattern may be repeated in the wake of the Sept 11 attacks in New York City and the Pentagon in Virginia. Thomas Vonier, an architect who has done security-related work for public and private clients, says that "federal agencies will inevitably conduct thoroughgoing reviews of security matters, with at least a partial view to toughening security-related design and construction standards." But he says, such standards "have probably already been pushed about as far as it is reasonable to go."
机译:先前对主要公共建筑的袭击,包括1995年的俄克拉荷马城爆炸案和1998年在美国驻非洲使馆发生的爆炸事件,都促使安全方面的标准发生变化,并增加了支出,包括设计和施工方面的安全标准和实践。 9月11日在纽约市和五角大楼在弗吉尼亚发生袭击之后,可能会重复这种模式。曾为公共和私人客户完成与安全相关的工作的建筑师托马斯·冯尼尔(Thomas Vonier)说:“联邦机构将不可避免地对安全问题进行彻底的审查,至少部分是为了加强与安全相关的设计和施工标准。”但是他说,这样的标准“可能已经被推到了合理的程度。”



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