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Ready or Not, The Future's Coming


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With leaders aging and retiring, firms aim to secure survival by preparing the next generation Gayle Roberts took over as president and chief operating officer of Muscatine, Iowa-based engineering firm Stanley Consultants Group just a few weeks ago. She's already looking to develop her successor and the rest of the firm's next executive team. Since announcing in 2005 his proposed retirement target date or 2010, Klein-felder Inc. CEO Gerald J. Salontai has carried a to-do list to start planning for leadership transition. The process has progressed so well that he may actually leave a year sooner. "This is no different than contracting projects," Salontai says. "You put together the scope and the schedule."
机译:随着领导者的老龄化和退休,公司的目标是通过准备下一代盖尔·罗伯茨(Gayle Roberts)接手而来,以确保他们的生存。几周前,盖尔·罗伯茨接任了位于爱荷华州工程公司Stanley Consultants Group的Muscatine的总裁兼首席运营官。她已经在寻找发展她的继任者以及公司下一届高管团队其他成员的机会。自从2005年宣布拟议的退休目标日期(即2010年)以来,克莱因费尔德公司首席执行官Gerald J. Salontai便列出了一份待办事项清单,以开始计划进行领导力过渡。这个过程进展顺利,他实际上可能会提前一年离开。 Salontai说:“这与签约项目没有什么不同。” “您汇总了范围和时间表。”



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