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Spending Bills Move, But Problems Lie Ahead


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Congressional appropriators are picking up the pace, seeking to clear as many of the 12 individual fiscal 2009 spending bills as possible for floor action. But odds are that no more than a few of the measures will be enacted before FY 2009 starts on Oct. 1. That means most key construction accounts probably will be funded by stopgap continuing resolutions, or CRs. Many probably will end up being folded into a massive omnibus bill. As of July 8, none of the 12 measures had passed the House or Senate. The House Appropriations Committee had approved five; the Senate committee expected to have six done by July 10. Early numbers show gains for military construction, with a big jump for base realignment and closure funds (see table). Other areas have had mixed results. House Appropriations Chairman David Obey (D-Wis.) says Democrats hope to finish some of the individual bills, but adds, "It depends on the attitude of the White House and the Republican minority."
机译:国会拨款者正在加快步伐,寻求尽可能多地清理2009财年的12项支出法案,以采取行动。但是很奇怪的是,在10月1日开始的2009财年之前,将不会颁布更多的措施。这意味着大多数关键建设项目可能将由权宜之计,持续的决议或CRs来资助。许多人可能最终将被折叠成庞大的综合法案。截至7月8日,这12项措施均未获得众议院或参议院通过。众议院拨款委员会批准了五项;参议院委员会预计将在7月10日前完成6项工作。早期数字显示军事建设有所增加,基地调整和关闭基金大幅增加(见表)。其他领域的结果则好坏参半。众议院拨款主席戴维·奥贝(David Obey)(民主党)说,民主党人希望完成一些个人法案,但补充说,“这取决于白宫和共和党少数派的态度。”



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