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An innovative sustainable process for VOCs recovery from spray paint booths


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Air emissions from surface coating operations result from the evaporation of the organic solvents in the coatings and consist primarily of volatile organic compounds (VOCs). These VOC emissions can occur in a number of places along the production line: during atomization and application of the coating, during initial air drying of the part after it leaves the spray paint booth, and, eventually, in the bake oven. The aim of this paper is to present an innovative and sustainable process based on VOC absorption. An absorption tower is fed on the top by oil, which efficiently absorbs at low temperature the VOCs contained by the off-gas that enters the tower at its bottom. The mass ratio between oil and gas is approximately 1, so that a tray configuration results more efficiently than an alternative packed column. Saturated oil from the column is then stripped at high temperature in a vacuum system that condenses VOCs at a temperature slightly below the ambient temperature. Stripped oil is then recycled to the absorption tower. Special utilities are foreseen to reduce the water content in the gas and for energy recovery all over the plant. An industrial site located in Italy works at 14,000 Nm~3/h off-gas absorbed with slightly more than 10 m~3/h of oil. VOCs content in the off-gas ranges daily from 1200 to 2500 ppm; an average efficiency of approx. 90% recovery is presently obtained. A further reduction to an expected value of about 95-98% will be achieved in the next months.
机译:表面涂层操作产生的空气排放是由涂层中有机溶剂的蒸发引起的,并且主要由挥发性有机化合物(VOC)组成。这些VOC排放可能在生产线上的许多地方发生:在雾化和喷涂过程中,在零件离开喷漆室后进行初始空气干燥,最后在烘烤炉中进行空气干燥。本文的目的是提出一种基于VOC吸收的创新且可持续的工艺。吸收塔的顶部由油供油,该油在低温下有效吸收进入塔底部的废气中所含的VOC。石油和天然气之间的质量比约为1,因此,与其他填充塔相比,塔盘结构的生产效率更高。然后,在真空系统中在高温下汽提来自色谱柱的饱和油,该系统会在略低于环境温度的温度下冷凝VOC。然后将汽提的油再循环至吸收塔。预计将有特殊用途的设备来减少气体中的水含量并在整个工厂内进行能量回收。位于意大利的一个工业站点的工作速度为14,000 Nm〜3 / h,吸收的石油略多于10 m〜3 / h。废气中的挥发性有机化合物含量每天为1200至2500 ppm;平均效率约为目前获得90%的回收率。在接下来的几个月中,将进一步降低到约95-98%的期望值。



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