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The tug-of-war between resource depletion and technological change in the global oil industry 1981-2009


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We perform an empirical analysis of the extent to which ongoing technological change through research and development activity has offset the effect of ongoing depletion on the cost of finding and developing additional reserves of oil in eight global regions. We introduce a finding cost function which, among other factors, depends on the cumulative number of past R&D expenses and cumulative past production, measuring technological change and depletion, respectively. For all our regions we find significant effects of both depletion and technological change on oil finding costs from 1981 to 2009, while we take into consideration cyclical variations in finding costs that could come from changes in factor prices. For almost all regions, technology more than mitigated depletion until around the mid-nineties. However, we find that depletion generally outweighed technological progress over the last decade. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
机译:我们对通过研发活动进行的持续技术变化在多大程度上抵消了持续消耗对全球八个地区发现和开发额外石油储备成本的影响进行了实证分析。我们引入了一个发现成本函数,该函数除其他因素外,分别取决于过去研发支出的累计数量和过去生产的累计数量,分别测量技术变化和消耗。对于我们所有地区,我们发现从1981年到2009年,枯竭和技术变革都对石油发现成本产生了重大影响,同时我们考虑了因要素价格变化而产生的周期性发现石油成本。在几乎所有地区,直到90年代中期左右,技术都不仅减轻了消耗。但是,我们发现在过去十年中,耗竭通常超过了技术进步。 (C)2015 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。



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