首页> 外文期刊>Energy >Prospects for bioenergy use in Ghana using Long-range Energy Alternatives Planning model

Prospects for bioenergy use in Ghana using Long-range Energy Alternatives Planning model


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As Ghana's economy grows, the choice of future energy paths and policies in the coming years will have a significant influence on its energy security. A Renewable Energy Act approved in 2011 seeks to encourage the influx of renewable energy sources in Ghana's energy mix. The new legal framework combined with increasing demand for energy has created an opportunity for dramatic changes in the way energy is generated in Ghana. However, the impending changes and their implication remain uncertain. This paper examines the extent to which future energy scenarios in Ghana could rely on energy from biomass sources, through the production of biogas, liquid biofuels and electricity. Analysis was based on moderate and high use of bioenergy for transportation, electricity generation and residential fuel using the LEAP (Long-range Energy Alternatives Planning) model. Results obtained indicate that introducing bioenergy to the energy mix could reduce GHG (greenhouse gas) emissions by about 6 million tonnes CO(2)e by 2030, equivalent to a 14% reduction in a business-as-usual scenario. This paper advocates the use of second generation ethanol for transport, to the extent that it is economically exploitable. Resorting to first generation ethanol would require the allocation of over 580,000 ha of agricultural land for ethanol production. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
机译:随着加纳经济的增长,未来几年对未来能源路径和政策的选择将对其加纳的能源安全产生重大影响。 2011年批准的《可再生能源法》旨在鼓励可再生能源大量涌入加纳的能源结构。新的法律框架与不断增长的能源需求相结合,为加纳的能源生产方式带来了巨大变化的机会。但是,即将发生的变化及其含义仍不确定。本文研究了加纳未来的能源情景在多大程度上可以通过生产沼气,液态生物燃料和电力来依赖生物质能源。分析是基于使用LEAP(远程能源替代计划)模型对运输,发电和民用燃料适度和大量使用生物能源进行的。获得的结果表明,将生物能源引入能源结构可以在2030年前减少约600万吨CO(2)e的温室气体(温室气体)排放,相当于按常规情景减少14%。本文提倡在经济上可利用的范围内使用第二代乙醇进行运输。要使用第一代乙醇,将需要分配超过580,000公顷的农田用于生产乙醇。 (C)2015 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。



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