首页> 外文期刊>Energy >Diesel or compressed natural gas? A real options evaluation of the US natural gas boom on fuel choice for trucking fleets

Diesel or compressed natural gas? A real options evaluation of the US natural gas boom on fuel choice for trucking fleets


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Prior to the current U.S. shale gas boom, compressed natural gas played only a minor role as a vehicle fleet fuel despite government policies supporting adoption. With new hydraulic-fracturing methods resulting in a natural gas supply surge, a structural shift has occurred in compressed natural gas price dynamics and its relation with diesel prices. This study analyzes the impact of this shift on the optimal fuel choice by return-to-base trucking fleets considering pre- and post-boom compressed natural gas and diesel price dynamics in a real options analysis framework. Optimal decision thresholds for differing size and vehicle miles traveled indicate that even in the absence of supportive government policies, compressed natural gas is a viable and profitable alternative to diesel under the new market conditions. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
机译:在当前美国页岩气蓬勃发展之前,尽管政府支持采用压缩天然气,但压缩天然气在车队燃料中仅扮演了次要角色。随着新的水力压裂方法导致天然气供应激增,压缩天然气价格动态及其与柴油价格的关系发生了结构性转变。这项研究在实物期权分析框架中,考虑了繁荣前后压缩天然气和柴油的价格动态,分析了返航卡车车队这一转变对最佳燃料选择的影响。针对不同尺寸和行驶里程的最佳决策阈值表明,即使在缺乏政府支持政策的情况下,在新的市场条件下,压缩天然气也是柴油的可行且有利可图的替代品。 (C)2015 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。



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