首页> 外文期刊>Energy for sustainable development >Forecasting Indonesia's electricity load through 2030 and peak demand reductions from appliance and lighting efficiency

Forecasting Indonesia's electricity load through 2030 and peak demand reductions from appliance and lighting efficiency


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Indonesia's electricity demand is growing rapidly, driven by robust economic growth combined with unprecedented urbanization and industrialization. Energy-efficiency improvements could reduce the country's electricity demand, thus providing monetary savings, greenhouse gas and other pollutant reductions, and improved energy security. Perhaps most importantly, using energy efficiency to lower peak electricity demand could reduce the risk of economically damaging power shortages while freeing up funds that would otherwise be used for power plant construction. We use a novel bottom-up modeling approach to analyze the potential of energy efficiency to reduce Indonesia's electricity demand: the LOAD curve Model (LOADM) combines total national electricity demand for each end use-as modeled by the Bottom-Up Energy Analysis System (BUENAS)-with hourly end-use demand profiles. We find that Indonesia's peak demand may triple between 2010 and 2030 in a business-as-usual case, to 77.3 GW, primarily driven by air conditioning and with important contributions from lighting and refrigerators. However, we also show that appliance and lighting efficiency improvements could hold the peak demand increase to a factor of two, which would avoid 26.5 GW of peak demand in 2030. These results suggest that well-understood programs, such as minimum efficiency performance standards, could save Indonesia tens of billions of dollars in capital costs over the next decade and a half. (C) 2019 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. on behalf of International Energy Initiative.
机译:在强劲的经济增长以及前所未有的城市化和工业化的推动下,印度尼西亚的电力需求正在迅速增长。提高能效可以减少该国的电力需求,从而节省金钱,减少温室气体和其他污染物,并提高能源安全性。也许最重要的是,利用能效降低峰值用电需求可以降低经济上破坏性电力短缺的风险,同时腾出本来用于发电厂建设的资金。我们使用一种新颖的自下而上建模方法来分析能源效率潜力以减少印度尼西亚的电力需求:LOAD曲线模型(LOADM)结合了每个最终用途的国家总电力需求,如自下而上的能源分析系统( BUENAS)-每小时的最终用途需求概况。我们发现,在照常情况下,印度尼西亚的峰值需求在2010年至2030年之间可能增加两倍,达到77.3吉瓦,这主要得益于空调的驱动以及照明和冰箱的重要贡献。但是,我们还表明,提高电器和照明效率可以将高峰需求增长控制在两倍,这可以避免2030年的高峰需求达到26.5 GW。这些结果表明,诸如最低效率性能标准,在未来十五年内可以为印尼节省数百亿美元的资本成本。 (C)2019作者。由Elsevier Inc.代表国际能源倡议组织出版。



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