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The near-to mid-term outlook for concentrating solar power: mostly cloudy, chance of sun


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The history of concentrating solar power (CSP) is characterized by a boom-bust pattern caused by policy support changes. Following the 2014-2016 bust phase, the combination of Chinese support and several low-cost projects triggered a new boom phase. We investigate the near- to mid-term cost, industry, market and policy outlook for the global CSP sector and show that CSP costs have decreased strongly and approach cost-competitiveness with new conventional generation. Industry has been strengthened through the entry of numerous new companies. However, the project pipeline is thin: no project broke ground in 2019 and only four projects are under construction in 2020. The only remaining large support scheme, in China, has been canceled. Without additional support soon creating a new market, the value chain may collapse and recent cost and technological advances may be undone. If policy support is renewed, however, the global CSP sector is prepared for a bright future.
机译:集中太阳能(CSP)的历史是由政策支持变化引起的繁荣模式的特点。 在2014 - 2016年胸围阶段之后,中国支持的组合和几个低成本项目引发了一个新的繁荣阶段。 我们调查了全球CSP部门的近期成本,产业,市场和政策前景,并表明CSP成本强劲下降,并具有新的传统一代的成本竞争力。 通过众多新公司的进入加强了行业。 然而,项目管道薄:2019年没有项目破产,2020年只有四个项目正在建设中。中国唯一的剩余大型支持计划已被取消。 没有额外的支持很快创造一个新的市场,价值链可能会崩溃,最近的成本和技术进步可能会被撤消。 但是,如果续订策略支持,全球CSP部门为光明的未来准备。



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