首页> 外文期刊>Energy & fuels >Arsenic and Fluorine Contents and Distribution Patterns of Early Paleozoic Stonelike Coal in the Daba Fold Zone and Yangtze Plate, China

Arsenic and Fluorine Contents and Distribution Patterns of Early Paleozoic Stonelike Coal in the Daba Fold Zone and Yangtze Plate, China


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Stonelike coal (SLC) is combustible black shale with low caloric value and a high degree of coalification, which is hosted in the early Paleozoic strata. The SLC is widely used for domestic purposes in the Daba fold zone in southern Shaanxi Province, China. Forty three channel samples of stonelike coal (SLC) were collected from the Daba fold zone to determine their elemental content. The results show that the contents of F, As, and Se in the Daba SLC are about 10-50 times more than those in the coals from the Permo-Carboniferous or later stages. The content of As varies from S to 277 mg/kg, and its average in the carbonate-hosted SLC of the Cambrian, mainly distributed in the southern Ankang district, is 112 mg/kg, while the average in the igneous-rock-hosted SLC of the Silurian, mainly distributed in the north Ankang district, is 78 mg/kg. The content of Se ranges from 1 to 62 mg/kg, and its average in the carbonate-hosted SLC is 29.21 mg/kg, while the average in the igneous-rock-hosted SLC is 9.91 mg/kg. The content of F ranges from 42 to 4532 mg/kg, with most samples ranging 600-2000 mg/kg. The average content of Hg is 0.66 mg/kg. Most of the SLC is enriched in As, Se, F, and Hg. The contents of F and As in the Daba SLC are about 10-50-times more than those in the coals of Permo-Carboniferous or later stages. As and Se are mainly enriched in the lower Cambrian carbonate-hosted SLC, and F is mainly enriched in the igneous-rock-hosted SLC of Silurian. The contents of As and F are comparatively lower in the carbonate-hosted SLC of the middle and upper Cambrian. The SLC of the middle and upper Cambrian is recommended for indoor use by local residents. It is suggested that local residents do not use the lower Cambrian SLC and igneous-rock-hosted SLC of Silurian for heating and cooking indoors as far as possible.
机译:石状煤(SLC)是可燃的黑色页岩,具有低热值和高度煤化作用,其存在于古生代早期。 SLC在中国陕西省南部的Daba褶皱带广泛用于家庭目的。从Daba褶皱带收集了43个石样煤(SLC)通道样品,以确定其元素含量。结果表明,Daba SLC中的F,As和Se含量是二叠纪至石炭纪或以后阶段煤中F,As和Se的约10至50倍。砷的含量从S到277 mg / kg不等,在寒武纪碳酸盐岩质SLC中,As的平均含量为112 mg / kg,主要分布在安康南部地区,而在火成岩岩质SLC中的平均值为112 mg / kg。志留纪的SLC为78 mg / kg,主要分布在安康北部地区。硒的含量范围为1至62 mg / kg,在碳酸盐质SLC中的平均值为29.21 mg / kg,而在火成岩质SLC中的平均值为9.91 mg / kg。 F的含量为42至4532 mg / kg,大多数样品的含量为600-2000 mg / kg。汞的平均含量为0.66 mg / kg。大多数SLC都富含As,Se,F和Hg。 Daba SLC中的F和As含量是二叠纪-石炭纪或以后阶段的煤中F和As含量的约10至50倍。砷和硒主要富集在寒武纪下碳酸盐岩SLC中,而氟主要富集在志留纪的火成岩岩质SLC中。在中,上寒武统碳酸盐岩包裹的SLC中,As和F的含量相对较低。中部寒武纪的SLC建议本地居民在室内使用。建议当地居民不要在室内使用下寒武纪SLC和志留纪的火成岩SLC进行加热和烹饪。


  • 来源
    《Energy & fuels》 |2011年第sepaaocta期|p.4479-4487|共9页
  • 作者

    Luo Kunli;

  • 作者单位

    Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, A 11 Datun Road, Beijing 100101,China;

  • 收录信息 美国《科学引文索引》(SCI);美国《工程索引》(EI);美国《生物学医学文摘》(MEDLINE);
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  • 正文语种 eng
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