首页> 外文期刊>Energy economics >Impacts of day-ahead versus real-time market prices on wholesale electricity demand in Texas

Impacts of day-ahead versus real-time market prices on wholesale electricity demand in Texas


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The somewhat recent nodal market structure in Texas impacts wholesale day-ahead market (DAM) and real-time market (RTM) prices. However, comparative insights on consumer responses to both these prices have not received attention. This paper attempts to fill this void by developing a system-wide demand response model to better understand price elasticities under DAM and RTM pricing. These insights may also assist grid operators to develop improved short-term forecasts of electricity demand. Using a large dataset from the Electric Reliability Council of Texas and a hierarchical Bayesian population model, we offer new insights on how DAM and RTM pricing shapes demand for electricity, and the related consequences for maintaining a reliable electricity market. (C) 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
机译:得克萨斯州最近出现的节点市场结构影响批发日前市场(DAM)和实时市场(RTM)价格。但是,关于消费者对这两种价格的反应的比较见解并未受到关注。本文试图通过开发系统范围的需求响应模型来填补这一空白,以更好地理解DAM和RTM定价下的价格弹性。这些见解还可以帮助电网运营商开发出改进的短期电力需求预测。使用得克萨斯州电力可靠性委员会的大型数据集和分层贝叶斯人口模型,我们提供了有关DAM和RTM定价如何影响电力需求以及维持可靠电力市场的相关后果的新见解。 (C)2019 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。



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