首页> 外文期刊>Energy Conversion & Management >A novel cryogenic vapor-recompression air separation unit integrated to oxyfuel combined-cycle gas-to-wire plant with carbon dioxide enhanced oil recovery: Energy and economic assessments

A novel cryogenic vapor-recompression air separation unit integrated to oxyfuel combined-cycle gas-to-wire plant with carbon dioxide enhanced oil recovery: Energy and economic assessments


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Oxyfuel carbon capture is both power and capital intensive due to oxygen demand. Consequently, oxyfuel requires the development of more efficient air separation units. This work proposes an alternative cryogenic distillation process for large-scale gaseous oxygen supply. Instead of using different pressure columns, the new air separation unit couples top vapor recompression to a single atmospheric cryogenic air distillation double-reboiler column, whose nitrogen-rich top vapor is compressed to heat the intermediate column reboiler, while the bottom reboiler is heated with compressed saturated air. Several processes for low-pressure oxygen gas supply were simulated and optimized. The power requirement of the new air separation unit producing atmospheric oxygen at 95%mol attained the best value of 139.0 kWh/t (oxygen basis). A sensitivity analysis for oxygen purity was performed showing that, even for higher purities, the new developed process achieves the lowest specific power for low-pressure gaseous oxygen production. The economic leverage of the new air separation unit is proven via successful supply of low-pressure oxygen to oxyfuel natural gas combined-cycle Gas To -Wire plant. Assuming carbon dioxide destination to enhanced oil recovery, even with an investment about 100% higher than the counterpart of a conventional air-fed combined-cycle Gas-To-Wire plant and despite net efficiency penalty of 6.88%, the oxyfuel combined-cycle Gas-To-Wire solution coupled to the new air separation unit was capable of achieving comparatively superior profitability under carbon taxation above 13.5 USD/t.
机译:由于氧气需求,含氧燃料的碳捕集既耗电又耗费资本。因此,含氧燃料需要开发更有效的空气分离装置。这项工作提出了用于大规模气态氧气供应的另一种低温蒸馏方法。代替使用不同的压力塔,新的空气分离装置将塔顶蒸气的再压缩与单个大气低温空气蒸馏双塔再沸塔耦合,该塔的富氮塔顶蒸气被压缩以加热中间塔再沸器,而塔底再沸器通过压缩的饱和空气。模拟和优化了几种低压氧气供应过程。生产空气氧气含量为95%的新空气分离装置的功率要求达到了139.0 kWh / t(以氧气为基础)的最佳值。进行了氧气纯度的敏感性分析,结果表明,即使纯度更高,新开发的工艺仍可实现低压气态氧气生产的最低比功率。新的空气分离装置的经济杠杆作用已通过向氧气燃料天然气联合循环燃气转线工厂成功供应低压氧气而得到证明。即使投资比传统的空气联合循环燃气线对线装置高出约100%,并且尽管净效率损失为6.88%,但仍假设将二氧化碳用于提高采油量,尽管如此,含氧燃料联合循环燃气-在新的空气分离装置上采用线对线解决方案后,在碳税超过13.5美元/吨的情况下,能够实现相对较高的获利能力。



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