首页> 外文期刊>Energy Business Journal >Celtic Bank Announces $6.9MM PACE Bond Funding with Los AngelesrnCounty

Celtic Bank Announces $6.9MM PACE Bond Funding with Los AngelesrnCounty

机译:凯尔特银行宣布与Los AngelesrnCounty进行$ 6.9MM的PACE债券融资

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2014 JUL 25 (VerticalNews) -- By a News Reporter-Staff News Editor at Energy Business Journal -- -Celtic Bank is pleased to announce that it recently funded a PACE bond with Los Angeles County in the amount of $6,860,000 for the New Constance Hotel located in Pasadena, California. Funds for the New Constance Hotel will be used to install energy efficient improvements including new HVAC and controllers, LED lighting, elevator motors and controls, window treatments, water systems, and insulation. These improvements are estimated to save 207,488 kWh per year in electricity usage and reduce water consumption by 3,200,000 gallons. The closing of the New Constance Hotel PACE bond brings the total amount of PACE fundings by Celtic Bank to $14,065,000.
机译:2014年7月25日(VerticalNews)-能源商业杂志的新闻记者-工作人员新闻编辑--凯尔特银行荣幸地宣布,它最近与洛杉矶县为新康斯坦斯酒店出资6,860,000美元的PACE债券位于加利福尼亚州帕萨迪纳。新康斯坦斯酒店的资金将用于安装节能设备,包括新的HVAC和控制器,LED照明,电梯电机和控制装置,窗帘,水系统和隔热层。据估计,这些改进措施每年可节省207,488 kWh的用电量,并减少320万加仑的水消耗。新Constance Hotel PACE债券的关闭使凯尔特银行提供的PACE资金总额达到14,065,000美元。



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