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Relationship of thermal performance rating, summer indoor temperatures and cooling energy use in 107 homes in Melbourne, Australia


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Better understanding is needed of building thermal performance as a mediator between climate and health outcomes. There is concern that current dwelling energy conservation strategies that focus on keeping warm in winter may lead to overheating and heat stress in summer or an increased use of cooling energy. Drawing on public health methodologies to predict heat related health outcomes, this study has standardised three-day averaged mean indoor to outdoor temperatures from 107 homes in Melbourne, Australia, to test the influence of the residential energy efficiency rating on the living room temperatures in summer. At the heat wave threshold of 25 degrees C, on average, better rated 6-Star homes were 0.89 degrees C warmer than 4- or 5-Star rated homes. At this reference temperature, air-conditioned 6-Star homes used 15.84 kWh/day electric cooling energy more to achieve the same living room temperature as 3-Star rated homes. The findings confirm the results of simulation studies that found increased fabric insulation may be associated with increased summer indoor temperatures, risk of heat stress and cooling energy in a mild temperate climate. Hence, it is recommended that residential thermal performance ratings should evaluate the dwelling's performance for each season independently and that cooling through natural ventilation and shading be promoted. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
机译:需要更好地理解将热性能建立为气候和健康结果之间的中介。令人担忧的是,当前着重于冬季保暖的住宅节能策略可能会导致夏季过热和热应激,或增加使用冷却能。这项研究利用公共卫生方法来预测与热量有关的健康结果,该标准对澳大利亚墨尔本107户家庭的三天平均室内外平均温度进行了标准化,以测试住宅能效等级对夏季客厅温度的影响。平均而言,在热浪阈值为25摄氏度时,评级较好的6星级房屋要比4星级或5星级房屋高0.89摄氏度。在此参考温度下,装有空调的6星级房屋每天要多使用15.84 kWh的电制冷能量,才能达到与3星级房屋相同的客厅温度。这些发现证实了模拟研究的结果,发现织物绝缘性的提高可能与夏季室内温度的升高,在温和的温带气候下的热应力和冷却能的风险有关。因此,建议住宅热性能等级应独立评估每个季节的住宅性能,并应促进通过自然通风和遮阳进行制冷。 (C)2015 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。



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