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Evaluation of the renovation of a Danish single-family house based on measurements


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Building renovation is too often carried out with only one objective: necessary maintenance, updating design and functions, or reducing energy consumption. But, if a necessary maintenance is exploited as an opportunity for renovation, energy improvements can be implemented, house functions can be updated, and indoor climate improved with minimal nuisance and expense. This paper illustrates this approach by documenting the renovation of a single-family house in Denmark, and monitoring its energy consumption and indoor climate before and after the renovation. Building elements were replaced where necessary, and the total energy consumption was reduced by 23%, giving the house owners a saving of about DKK 8400 per year. The energy consumption for heating was reduced by 53%, close to the 58% found using dynamic simulations. The temperatures reached a more comfortable level, and the house owners were satisfied with the result. The increased value of the house was estimated to cover about 77% of the investment. (C) 2017 Published by Elsevier B.V.
机译:建筑物翻新通常仅以一个目标进行:必要的维护,更新设计和功能或减少能耗。但是,如果利用必要的维护作为翻新的机会,则可以实现能源改善,房屋功能更新以及室内环境的改善,同时减少了不必要的麻烦和费用。本文通过记录丹麦一栋独栋房屋的翻修并监控翻修前后的能耗和室内气候来说明这种方法。必要时更换了建筑构件,总能耗降低了23%,使房主每年节省约8400丹麦克朗。加热能耗降低了53%,接近动态模拟发现的58%。温度达到了更舒适的水平,房主对此结果感到满意。房屋的增值估计可以覆盖约77%的投资。 (C)2017由Elsevier B.V.发布



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