首页> 外文期刊>Endocrine journal >Octreotide-sensitive ectopic ACTH production by islet cell carcinoma with multiple liver metastases.

Octreotide-sensitive ectopic ACTH production by islet cell carcinoma with multiple liver metastases.


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We report a 21-year-old woman with ectopic ACTH syndrome due to islet cell carcinoma with multiple liver metastases. On admission, she showed Cushingoid appearance (moon face, central obesity etc.) and had acute respiratory distress syndrome due to pneumocystis carinii pneumonia. Laboratory examination revealed marked elevations of plasma ACTH (735 pg/ml) and cortisol (145 microg/dl) with a profound hypokalemia (2.0 mEq/l). She was found to have multiple masses in the liver and a solid mass in the tail of pancreas by abdominal computerized tomography scanning. Treatment with octreotide successfully reduced elevated plasma ACTH and cortisol levels, and she received frequent transhepatic arterial embolization and chemotherapy. The primary pancreatic tumor was surgically removed, revealing islet cell carcinoma which contained high content of ACTH (100 microg/g wet weight) and abundantly expressed proopiomelanocortin and somatostatin receptor subtype-2 mRNAs as determined by Northern blot analysis. Postoperatively, she was free from symptoms for almost one year. However, progressive enlargement of multiple liver metastases refractory to chemotherapy led her to decide on total hepatectomy and liver transplantation from her father. After liver transplantation, she remained almost free from symptoms for almost one year. However, metastases developed to the mediastinal and paraaortic lymph nodes as detected by 111[In] pentetreotide scintigraphy. Eleven months after liver transplantation, she was again treated with octreotide and, 16 months after, with metyrapone, both of which were effective in reducing ACTH and cortisol levels, respectively, until she died of acute respiratory failure. This case of a young female patient with ectopic ACTH-producing islet cell carcinoma of the pancreas was quite unique in that she survived for 5 years despite the acute onset and rapid progression of the multiple liver metastases at least in part due to the long-lasting favorable response to octreotide and living-related liver transplantation.
机译:我们报告一名21岁的妇女由于胰岛细胞癌多发肝转移与异位ACTH综合征。入院时,她表现出库欣类动物外观(月亮脸,中型肥胖等),并由于卡氏肺孢子虫肺炎而患有急性呼吸窘迫综合征。实验室检查发现血浆ACTH(735 pg / ml)和皮质醇(145 microg / dl)明显升高,并伴有严重的低钾血症(2.0 mEq / l)。通过腹部计算机断层扫描发现她在肝脏中有多个肿块,在胰腺尾部有一个实心块。奥曲肽治疗成功降低了血浆ACTH和皮质醇水平,她接受了频繁的经肝动脉栓塞和化疗。手术切除原发性胰腺肿瘤,发现胰岛细胞癌中含有大量的促肾上腺皮质激素(湿重为100微克/克),并通过Northern印迹分析确定其表达丰富的原黑皮质素和生长抑素受体亚型2 mRNA。术后,她几乎没有症状一年。但是,化疗难以耐受的多发性肝转移的不断扩大导致她决定由父亲决定进行全肝切除和肝移植。肝移植后,她几乎一年没有出现任何症状。然而,通过111 [In]五肽肽闪烁体扫描发现,转移已发展到纵隔和主动脉旁淋巴结。肝移植后的11个月,她再次接受了奥曲肽治疗,16个月后再次接受了甲吡酮治疗,两者均能有效降低ACTH和皮质醇水平,直到死于急性呼吸衰竭。这例年轻女性患有异位产生ACTH的胰岛胰岛细胞癌的病例非常独特,尽管多发性肝转移的急性发作和快速进展至少部分归因于长期持续,但她存活了5年对奥曲肽和与生活有关的肝移植的良好反应。



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