首页> 外文期刊>Endocrine journal >Pineal gland (melatonin) affects the parturition time, but not luteal function and fetal growth, in pregnant rats.

Pineal gland (melatonin) affects the parturition time, but not luteal function and fetal growth, in pregnant rats.


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The purpose of the present study was to investigate the role of pineal gland (melatonin) on parturition time, luteal function, and fetal growth in pregnant rats. Cycling rats were subjected to pinealectomy or sham operation under ether anesthesia; and pinealectomized rats immediately underwent implantation of a melatonin capsule (PINX + Mel group) or a vehicle-containing capsule (PINX group), and sham operated rats also underwent implantation of a vehicle-containing capsule (control group). All rats were maintained under the same photoperiod conditions (14 L:10 D) and were induced pregnancy. Blood samples were obtained on days 7, 12, 15, 17, 19, and 21 of pregnancy to measure serum progesterone concentrations, and parturition times were recorded on days 22 and 23. In the next experiment, pregnant PINX rats received subcutaneous injection of melatonin (10 microg/body) at 08:00 h (PINX + 8 h group) or at 20:00 h (PINX + 20 h group) from day 15 to the end of pregnancy, and parturition times were recorded.Parturition times of rats in the PINX group, the PINX + Mel group or the PINX + 8 h group, but not the PINX + 20 h group, were significantly different compared with those in the control group. Pinealectomy or melatonin implantation did not affect serum progesterone concentrations during pregnancy or the number and weight of fetuses or corpora lutea. The present results indicate that pineal gland (melatonin rhythm) synchronizing with photoperiodic rhythm is likely to be an important determinant of parturition time, but it does not affect progesterone production or fetal growth in pregnant rats.
机译:本研究的目的是研究松果体(褪黑激素)对妊娠大鼠的分娩时间,黄体功能和胎儿生长的作用。骑自行车的大鼠在乙醚麻醉下进行松果体切除术或假手术。松果体切除的大鼠立即接受褪黑激素胶囊(PINX + Mel组)或含载体的胶囊(PINX组)的植入,假手术大鼠也接受含载体的胶囊(对照组)的植入。将所有大鼠维持在相同的光周期条件下(14 L:10 D),并诱导其怀孕。在怀孕的第7、12、15、17、19和21天获取血液样本以测量血清孕酮浓度,并在第22和23天记录分娩时间。在下一个实验中,怀孕的PINX大鼠皮下注射褪黑激素。从第15天到怀孕结束的08:00 h(PINX + 8 h组)或20:00 h(PINX + 20 h组)(10微克/体),并记录分娩时间。在PINX组中,与对照组相比,PINX + Mel组或PINX + 8 h组(但PINX + 20 h组没有显着差异)。松果体切除术或褪黑激素植入术不会影响怀孕期间的血清孕激素浓度或胎儿或黄体的数量和重量。目前的结果表明,松果体(褪黑激素节律)与光周期节律同步可能是分娩时间的重要决定因素,但它不会影响孕鼠的孕激素生成或胎儿生长。



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