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Network closure among sellers and buyers in social commerce community


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Social commerce communities connect sellers and buyers and allow them to seek and share product information. Although the extant literature has realized its economic value, there has been little research on the antecedents of network closure in social commerce community with longitudinal network data. Based on the evolving network data from Taobao.com and network closure theory, this research analyzes network closure among sellers and buyers in social commerce community and we find that the drivers of network closure in social commerce communities vary across different types of relationships. Specifically, (1) from the buyers' perspective, they are more likely to follow other buyers and sellers through observational learning and contagion; (2) from the sellers' perspective, the homophily, reciprocity, and structural equivalence are the general mechanisms that drive them following both buyers and sellers; (3) the results from the robustness checks show that the findings would not be affected by the sample size or the duration of the observations.
机译:社交商务社区将买卖双方联系起来,并允许他们查找和共享产品信息。尽管现有文献已经认识到其经济价值,但对于具有纵向网络数据的社会商业社区中网络关闭的前提条件的研究很少。基于淘宝网不断发展的网络数据和网络封闭理论,本研究分析了社交商业社区中买卖双方之间的网络封闭,我们发现社交商业社区中网络封闭的驱动因素在不同类型的关系中有所不同。具体而言,(1)从买方的角度看,他们更有可能通过观察性学习和传播来跟随其他买方和卖方; (2)从卖方的角度来看,同质,互惠和结构对等是促使他们追随买卖双方的一般机制; (3)稳健性检查的结果表明,调查结果不会受到样本量或观察时间的影响。



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