首页> 外文期刊>IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility >A SPICE Realization of the Delay-Rational Green's-Function-Based Method for Multiconductor Transmission Lines

A SPICE Realization of the Delay-Rational Green's-Function-Based Method for Multiconductor Transmission Lines


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Virtual prototyping has become an unavoidable step in the design of electrical and electronic systems. In this context, time-domain models have to be efficiently embedded in circuit simulator environments, such as SPICE-like transient simulators. Recently, the authors focused on the interconnections, modeled using the multiconductor transmission lines theory. This study presents a SPICE synthesis of the delay-rational method previously developed by the authors, based on Green's functions and line-delay extraction. The solution was tested for three transmission lines with frequency-independent per-unit-length parameters. We compared the SPICE results of the delay-rational method with those of two standard techniques: one based on a pure rational model and one based on the inverse fast Fourier transform. The time-domain simulations in SPICE of the delay-rational method show both accuracy and a remarkable reduction in the number of components used with respect to a purely rational approach, by virtue of the delay extraction.



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