首页> 外文期刊>Electrical Engineers, Journal of the Institution of >The heating of domestic pendant lamp fittings and their connecting leads

The heating of domestic pendant lamp fittings and their connecting leads




This paper is an investigation of the temperature-rise of the rubber insulation of leads connected to pendant fittings using lamps up to 200 watts as now made for domestic use, and of methods for reducing existing values to safe limits. On account of the higher filament temperature of the gas-filled lamp than the vacuum lamp, and the presence of the gas in the bdlb, the temprature of the lamp cap and of the surface of the glass is much higher in the former case than in the latter. This causes the connecting leads to become unduly hot and their deterioration to be considerably accelerated. As a result, after a limited period of service there is a risk of short-circuit or burning of the flexible cord occurring adjacent to or within the holder. There is the further possibility of metallic holders becoming alive. Although these risks exist, it is by no means common for serious trouble to occur. Four general methods are available for mitigating these effects, viz.:? (i) By improving the heat-resisting properties of the rubber insulation. (ii) By replacing rubber by a material capable of withstanding, existing working temperatures. (iii) By modifying the design of fitting and lampholder so as to reduce the working temperature of the rubber to 50?C. (iv) By modifying the design of the lamp so as to reduce the working temperature of the rubber to 50?C. Methods (I) and (ii) have both been under consideration by the Cable Makers' Association, and as a result the E.R.A. has been advised, since the preparation of this paper, that in regard to method (i) it would be possible to supply an improved type of rubber-insulated flexible cord which would give satisfactory operation at 60?d C. for a reasonable life under reasonable usage; and, in respect to (ii), flexible cords of this description are available and are being used in dry situations. This paper is based on the 50? C. limit, but the modifications necessary to fittings, etc., so that a temperature of 60? C. will not be exce-neded, will easily be seen from the test results given. Method (ii) is to some extent obligatory in the U.S.A. and Canada. This paper is restricted to methods (iii) and (iv), and it is shown that a satisfactory solution can invariably be obtained by a combination of them and, frequently, by method (iii) alone. Tests show that in nearly all domestic pendant lamp fittings up to 200 watts, the temperature-rise of the connecting lead at ? in. from the terminal is in excess of the maximum permissible, viz 23?4 deg. C, and this temperature-rise is attained at points varying from 2? in. to 9 in. from the terminal. At the terminal the value varies from 51 to 117.5 deg. C. for the fittngs tested. Theory and experiments show that the temperature-rise depends fundamentally on two factors, viz, the temperature of the source of the heat which is copducted fromthe lamp to the holder, and the temperature of the air surrqunding the holder, which in a large measure controls the dissipation of heat from the holder, surface. Other subsidiary factors are the thermal resistance in the heat path between the lamp and the holder, and the radiation emissivity of the holder. The lamps used for the tests conform to the British Standard Specification for Tungsten Filament Electric Lamps, No. 161, 1932. Investigational work has been extended to shop-window, office, and, factory lighting fittings, and will be the subject of a later report.
机译:本文研究的是现在家用的200瓦以下的灯,与悬吊配件连接的引线的橡胶绝缘的温度升高,以及将现有值降低到安全极限的方法。由于充气灯的灯丝温度高于真空灯,并且bdlb中存在气体,在前一种情况下,灯头和玻璃表面的温度要比在前一种情况下高得多。后者。这导致连接引线变得过热,并且它们的劣化大大加速。结果,在有限的服务时间之后,存在在保持器附近或内部发生软线短路或烧毁的风险。金属支架还可能活着。尽管存在这些风险,但发生严重故障绝非常见。有四种减轻这些影响的通用方法,即:? (i)通过改善橡胶绝缘体的耐热性。 (ii)用能够承受现有工作温度的材料代替橡胶。 (iii)修改配件和灯座的设计,以将橡胶的工作温度降至50℃。 (iv)修改灯的设计,以将橡胶的工作温度降低到50℃。电缆制造商协会正在考虑方法(I)和(ii),因此E.R.A.自从本文准备以来,已经建议,关于方法(i),可以提供一种改进型的橡胶绝缘软线,该软线在60?d C的温度下可在令人满意的使用寿命下正常工作。合理使用;并且,对于(ii),该描述的软线是可用的并且在干燥情况下使用。本文是基于50? C.限制,但必须对配件等进行修改,使温度达到60? C.不会被超越,从给出的测试结果中很容易看出。方法(ii)在某种程度上在美国和加拿大是必须的。本文仅限于方法(iii)和(iv),并且表明,通过将它们组合使用以及通常仅通过方法(iii)可以始终获得令人满意的解决方案。测试表明,在几乎所有功率不超过200瓦的家用吊灯配件中,连接导线的温度上升幅度为200瓦。端子的最大距离超过最大允许值,即23?4度。 ℃,并且该温度升高是在2?3的点上达到的。从终端到9英寸。在终端,该值从51到117.5度不等。 C.用于测试的配件。理论和实验表明,温度升高从根本上取决于两个因素,即从灯到灯座的热源温度以及灯座周围的空气温度,这在很大程度上可以控制温度。支架表面的散热。其他辅助因素是灯和灯座之间的热路径中的热阻以及灯座的辐射率。用于测试的灯符合1932年第161号英国标准钨灯丝电灯的规范。研究工作已扩展到橱窗,办公室和工厂照明配件,稍后将作为主题。报告。



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