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PBR delivers maximum benefits


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Performance-based regulation (PBR) was introduced as an alternative to cost-of-service regulation in the U.S. electricity sector in the late 1980s and early 1990s. The primary objective of PBR is to inject competitive market incentives into monopoly markets and weaken the link between costs and rates. By the mid- to late-90s, emphasis on PBR diminished as a result of the increasing focus on restructuring issues such as stranded costs. PBR is now experiencing a resurgence for two reasons. First, PBR has produced significant value to both utilities and consumers. Under PBR since 1992, the National Grid Company in England and Wales has reduced its unit cost of transmission by 37 percent, while increasing transmission system availability by a full percentage point to over 99 percent and increasing the capacity of the transmission system in excess of 20 percent. Second, the increasing number of regulated entities in the market following unbundling of the generation, transmission and distribution functions has significantly increased the workload on regulators, dictating a more light-handed form of regulation with more automated pricing mechanisms. For example, the Ontario Energy Board in Canada previously regulated only one vertically-integrated utility, Ontario Hydro, but following restructuring, took on regulation of a transmission company and 250 distribution entities (this number may drop as low as 90 this year as a result of mergers and acquisitions).
机译:在1980年代末和1990年代初,基于性能的监管(PBR)被引入美国电力部门,作为服务成本监管的替代方案。 PBR的主要目标是将竞争性市场激励措施注入垄断市场,并削弱成本与费率之间的联系。到90年代中期至后期,由于越来越关注诸如滞留成本之类的重组问题,对PBR的重视程度有所降低。 PBR现在正在复苏,原因有两个。首先,PBR为公用事业和消费者带来了巨大的价值。自1992年以来,在PBR的领导下,英格兰和威尔士的国家电网公司已将其单位输电成本降低了37%,同时将输电系统的可用性提高了一个完整百分点,达到99%以上,并且输电系统的容量增加了20多个百分。其次,随着发电,输电和配电功能的捆绑,市场上越来越多的受监管实体大大增加了监管机构的工作量,从而要求监管机构采取更为宽松的监管方式,并采用更加自动化的定价机制。例如,加拿大的安大略省能源委员会以前只监管一个垂直整合的公用事业公司,安大略水电,但在重组后,对一家输电公司和250个配电实体进行了监管(因此,这一数字今年可能会下降至90个)合并和收购)。



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